The Reflection Season 1 Review
Anime series from Stan Lee and Mushishi creator Hiroshi Nagahama
DetailsAnime series from Stan Lee and Mushishi creator Hiroshi Nagahama
DetailsCas is back and the boys have a new case in Dodge City – famous for its Old West heritage. It’s Team Free Will 2.0!
DetailsAfter Flashpoint, everything is reset. Geoff Johns and Jim Lee show us how this new Justice League came to be! And what a wild ride it is!
DetailsThe Justice League movie has finally arrived, and it’s a fun ride!
DetailsCelebrating the long-awaited release of Justice League, Interstellar Comics in Palm Springs, CA is having a BIG SALE on ALL DC COMICS! Beginning our COMIC SHOP SATURDAY series, Comic Watch wants our readers to be in touch with their local comic shops. By supporting them, we support the very business we love so much, COMICS.…
DetailsThe Purple Man has returned using Jessica’s family against her in order to get what he wants. But what DOES he want? And does Jessica have her own plan?
DetailsKarolina Dean is now living a happy life! She’s now in college, loves her roommate, has a helpful therapist and a loving relationship with her beautiful girlfriend. Everything seemed to be perfect and going according to plan. But, Is she willing to leave that all behind when she gets an unexpected visit from her old friends/family, Chase, Nico, and Gert who she thought died 2 years ago?
DetailsTogether, X-Men BLUE & GOLD must stop MOJO from taking over NYC as a New MOJOWORLD!
DetailsWitchblade to return with ALL NEW creative team and lead character!
DetailsWoden’s secret lair is revealed. A new god has been discovered. Ananke’s quest to avert the Great Darkness has not yet ended.
DetailsIn a recent interview with the Cleveland Entertainer, Brian Michael Bendis sheds a little light on what cemented his decision to move from Marvel (who he had been writing with for 17 years) to DC Comics.
DetailsSuperboy becomes the pack leader of the Hunger Dogs! Luthor needs Superman to save both himself and Apokolips! But not if Kalibak has anything to say about it!