Arrow: Doin’ Time
Will Diaz ever be taken out? If Oliver is in prison, who is the new vigilante in Star City shooting bad guys full of arrows? And will Star City embrace its new hero or hunt him down?
Will Diaz ever be taken out? If Oliver is in prison, who is the new vigilante in Star City shooting bad guys full of arrows? And will Star City embrace its new hero or hunt him down?
DetailsNew Walmart exclusives, the Witching Hour continues, James Wan’s Aquaman update, and more in DC Daily’s episode premiering on October 24th, 2018!
DetailsWonder Woman #56
Wonder Woman and her allies race to find answers about the mark of Hecate. Will Circe help them unravel the mysteries or will she tie Diana up in knots?
DetailsCloak & Dagger #5
Sometimes, you’ve just got to remember who the hell you are.
DetailsTitans #27
Death, loss, and uncertainty push these Titans to their limits, which is exactly the crucible every good hero has to undergo from time to time. Can they function without Nightwing at the helm?
DetailsProfessor X and Logan awake in the medbay under Jean’s care, and later, Xavier gives him details on the abandoned Alkali Lake facility. The other X-Men watch Mystique masquerading on TV as a newly-penitent Senator Kelly — who now opposes mutant registration. With Special Guest Jon Garcia of Toy Story Minute and Dueling Genre Productions.
DetailsMR & MRS X #4
Rogue and Gambit have to escape not only the Avian clutches of the Shi’ar, but also break Xandra out of the clink and contend with a three way battle for the fate of the Shi’ar throne world. They’re going to need a holiday to recover from this holiday.
DetailsGotta get them young and Vault comics is making sure they do with new imprint.
DetailsLogan cuts Rogue free, but she is near death and doesn’t respond. He touches her bare skin, sharing his healing factor, leaving him cut, bleeding badly, and unconscious. As the team’s Blackbird flies away with them, we see Magneto helpless, as the NYPD unwittingly comes to Mystique’s aid. With Special Guest Miles Stokes of Jay & Miles X-Plain The X-Men podcast.
DetailsSuperman is dead but Supermen have appeared to continue his legacy of heroism
DetailsAvengers #9
Looks like Atlantean threats are popular in comics lately, bad news for the Avengers but great news for readers!
DetailsNew modes, altered styles, and a free characters at launch My Hero One’s Justice is ready to take over your life.