NEWS WATCH: Mile High Comics Denver Gets a Real Life Villain
Mile High Comic Store gets villain, uses toliet bowl cleaner during the robbery.
DetailsMile High Comic Store gets villain, uses toliet bowl cleaner during the robbery.
DetailsWar of the Realms: Avengers #19
Gorilla Man must defend Avengers Mountain from Dark Elves and that’s not all!
Aliens: Resistance #4: Amanda Ripley and Zula Hendricks take the final option as they face off against genetically modified Aliens and synthetics for the survival of the one man who can prove the misdeeds of the Company.
DetailsAssassination Nation #3
You don’t have time to catch your breath but you’ll have a hell of a time keeping up.
DetailsDC’s Tom King Leaves Batman ongoing at the end of the near to start new Batman/Catwoman series.