The Flash #69: Going Out With a Bang (in Theory)
Can the Flash stop the Sage Force-armed Trickster from causing a citywide riot throughout Central City? What about if he has no legs?!
DetailsCan the Flash stop the Sage Force-armed Trickster from causing a citywide riot throughout Central City? What about if he has no legs?!
DetailsWar of the Realms: Champions #5
The Champions reunite with Cyclops in the War of the Realms.
DetailsFreedom Fighters #5
The Freedom Fighters finally track down Uncle Sam in time for Overman to be revealed! Robert Venditti, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferriera, Adriano Lucas, Andworld Design, DC Comics
DetailsDeathstroke #43
Moderate Spoilers Ahead: The absolutely shocking conclusion to “The Terminus Agenda” ensures that the Teen Titans and Deathstroke will never be seen the same again! Check it out in “Deathstroke #43”.
DetailsSuperior Spider-man #5
Superior Spider-man has Otto on a date, but it all goes wrong, surprisingly.
DetailsCosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #3
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #3 continues to deliver more of the same. If you enjoyed the first two issues, you’ll likely still be on board with this one. If you merely tolerated the first two, then you’re probably nearing your breaking point by now.
DetailsWest Coast Avengers #9
West Coast Avengers #9: Tales From The Crypt
DetailsWar of the Realms Strikeforce: The Dark Elf Realm #1
War of the Realms Strikeforce The Dark Elf Realm finds Punisher, She Hulk, Ghost Rider and Blade proving themselves to Freyja to attack Svartalfheim and Malekith.
DetailsCoda #11
Coda #11 keeps things surprising and fun for this must read series.
DetailsThe Punisher vs. Baron Zemo and the entire nation of Bagalia! Only one man walks away!
DetailsDial H for Hero #2
Summer and Miguel are off on a true Hero’s Journey but it is the artwork that will keep you coming back for more in ‘Dial H for Hero #2’.
DetailsShocking Sacrifices Made in Joss Whedon’s ANGEL #1 From BOOM! Studios