The Spirit of Character: An Interview with Howard Mackie
Join us for an exclusive interview from Comic Con Honolulu 2019 with David Mackied.
DetailsJoin us for an exclusive interview from Comic Con Honolulu 2019 with David Mackied.
DetailsBatman Vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
You may have never imagined a crossover between Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but you’ll be amazed how well the two fit together in Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It’s the crossover you never knew needed to happen!
DetailsThe Immortal Hulk #22
General Fortean want’s order to the chaos, but it’s the monsters that come knocking. “Here’s a knocking indeed! If a man were porter of Hell-Gate, he should have old turning the key” – William Shakespeare; Macbeth, act II, scene 3.
DetailsWriteGirl Teams-Up With DC To Empower Young Storytellers!
DetailsSolar Flare In Development For TV!
DetailsInfinity Train
This is a review of the first season of Cartoon Network’s most heavily anticipated new series, Infinity Train.
DetailsTake the first look into GWENPOOL: STRIKES BACK with this sneak peek before it hits shelves this WEDNESDAY!
DetailsVenom Annual #1
Venom meets the hot to trot Lady Hellbender and hilarity ensues
DetailsTake the FIRST LOOK into Punisher Kill Krew out this WEDNESDAY!
DetailsAero #1
Aero is a perfect book for an afternoon read where you can zone out into it and just be entertained from the first page all the way to the last one.