Hoody Sympathetic Murder #1: A Murderous Adventure
Hoody Sympathetic Murder #1
Hoody Sympathetic Murder #1 (Johnson, Hewitt, Suryadi) is a murder spree like you have never read before.
DetailsHoody Sympathetic Murder #1
Hoody Sympathetic Murder #1 (Johnson, Hewitt, Suryadi) is a murder spree like you have never read before.
DetailsPeter Milligan, Michael Allred, and Laura Allred present the glorious return of X-Statix and their descendents, in Giant-Size X-Statix #1! Thrill as Katie learns her true heritage and how to work her pelvic floor for fun, fame, and to save lives! See Guy cry! Enjoy gentle bedroom reassurances! Doop has a camera! He speaks funny!
DetailsPsi-Lords #3
Psi-Lords #3 (Lente, Guedes): If you’re looking for super people beating up bank robbers then you’re barking up the wrong tree here, but if you’re looking for something a little more cerebral yet visually engrossing, then this is definitely where you wanna be.