NEWS WATCH: Get Caught in Jessica Drew’s Latest Web of Intrigue in SPIDER-WOMAN #1!
New adventures need a new costume! Jessica Drew gets a new look for her latest adventures this March!!
DetailsNew adventures need a new costume! Jessica Drew gets a new look for her latest adventures this March!!
At this point, anyone who’s keeping up with Watchmen knows how good it is. Anyone who isn’t watching knows that they need to.
DetailsBlack Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #4
In Black Panther & The Agents of Wakanda #4 (Zub, Medina, Yeung) is another fantastic issue in this year’s most underrated book. If you want a solid, entertaining, comic, look no further you’ve found it!!
DetailsCriminal Macabre: The Big Bleed Out #1
Criminal Macabre: The Big Bleed Out #1 (Niles, Nemeth, Piekos) is an exciting, noirish new installment in the saga of Cal McDonald.
DetailsSame Mxyzptlk different actor on “Supergirl”
DetailsSpeak softly and carry a BIG &%$# gun this March with Gerry Duggan and Phil Noto in CABLE #1 from Marvel Comics!
DetailsDoom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #6
With contrasting artwork and a rather flimsy plot, Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #6 (Way, Lambert, Francia) leans hard into the zaniness and as a result, becomes too disjointed to hold up alongside the rest of the series.
DetailsFantastic Four #17
Behold Fantastic Four #17 (Slott, Vecchio, Magno, Quinn, Izaakse), in which the team—and you—are destined to discover something shocking about our heroes’ history!
DetailsValiant’s flagship title returns to the shelves on March 1, 2020!
DetailsRed Sonja #11
Red Sonja #11 (Russell, Colak, Kelly, Otsmane-Elhaou) is a solid, albeit tame, pivot into what promises to be a momentous event next issue. Hopefully it pays off!
DetailsArifureta: From Common Place to World’s Strongest
Hajime Nagumo was your average teenage nobody when he and his entire class were suddenly transported to a world of fantasy and magic, and they were told they were the heroes of legend who would fight to protect the land from evil. The class grew accustomed to their roles, and Hajime was content with staying quiet in the background. Then one day, when exploring a mysterious labyrinth, there was an “accident.” Hajime is cast into the depths of darkness, but a strong will to survive lights a fury within him, and through sheer determination, he grows to become the strongest fighter in the entire world.