NEWS WATCH: Marvel Releases Olivier Coipel’s Astonishing Cover for THOR #4!
Olivier Coipel’s stunning artwork pits friend against friend when THOR #4 hits the shelves in March!
DetailsOlivier Coipel’s stunning artwork pits friend against friend when THOR #4 hits the shelves in March!
DetailsDiscover an all-New science fiction adventure for future space explorers everywhere in June 2020
DetailsThe cult cartoon character Invader Zim is coming to two new comic book series starting in April from Oni Press.
DetailsRed Sonja #13
As the focus finally returns to Queen Sonja the Red, the series once again finds its footing with an epic tale of conquest and consequence in Red Sonja #13 (Russell, Q, Kelly, Otsmane-Elhaou).
DetailsTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #102
In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #102, (Campbell, Pattison, Curnow) the guilt and the unknown are still running high for the family. Meanwhile, Old Hob is up to his old tricks again. Campbell and Co. do it again with another great book in this new era!
DetailsYoung Justice #13 (Bendis, Walker, Oeming, Grell, Timms) is the start of a new arc, so why does it feel like it’s stuck in the middle of so much more?
DetailsWhat is likely one of Kurt Vonnegut’s most influential works, Slaughterhouse-Five is being adapted into a graphic novel by the widely successful BOOM! Studios. Boom! Studios have been seeing a lot of press lately and with their library successful comics, they look to add Slaughterhouse-5 to their list of hits. The new cover, done by…
DetailsSavage Avengers #0: From the Bronze Age With Love
Savage Avengers #0 (Claremont, Duggan, Romita Jr., Smallwood) would make a great addition to any fans collection; new reader or classic comic fan!
DetailsStar Trek Picard: Countdown #3
Star Trek: Picard – Countdown #3 (Beyer, Johnson, Hernandez): An all-around great comic and a fantastic ending to the mini-series. If you haven’t watched Picard yet, take the time to read this before you do!
DetailsFairy Gone 2nd Season
The elite forces of the Dorothea remain on the hunt for the mysterious Black Fairy Text. Making matters worse, the opponents the Dorothea must face were once close allies and friends who became corrupted by the bitterness and anger formed during the devastating War for Unification. Not only that, some of the people the Dorothea are charged with protecting were responsible for many unforgivable atrocities. Regardless of the complications, should the Dorothea fail, it will mean the end to humanity.