NEWS WATCH: DC Comics Celebrates 750 Issues of THE FLASH with Special Marv Wolfman Story!
The Scarlet Speedster gets the royal treatment for issue #750 with an all-star creative team lead by Marv Wolfman!
DetailsThe Scarlet Speedster gets the royal treatment for issue #750 with an all-star creative team lead by Marv Wolfman!
DetailsDECORUM, the latest title from Image Comics, has just revealed the first stunning cover by cover by Jamie McKelvie!
DetailsHarley Quinn and the Birds of Prey #1
The long awaited return of Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti pays off in a big way with Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey #1 (Conner, Palmiotti, Mounts, Hill), a spectacular story that is incredibly heartfelt and of course, wacky as hell!
DetailsIn this preview of Marvel Comics’ DAREDEVIL #18, a rousing speech gets the cops off their asses to go find a missing child.
DetailsRai #4
Rai #4 (Abnett, Ryp, Dalhouse, Sharpe): Before Fallen World it was hard to imagine another artist/art team living up to the high bar set with previous Rai books, but Ryp and Dalhouse are stepping up to the plate every issue and knocking it right out of the park.
DetailsSuperman: Heroes #1
Superman: Heroes #1 (Bendis, Fraction, Rucka, Maguire, Lieber, Perkins, Norton, Godlewski) is a well constructed comic by a gaggle of comics superstars that many fans will enjoy but isn’t necessarily must-read material for the new era of Superman comics.
DetailsThe Dreaming # 18
The Dreaming #18 (Spurrier, Sauvage) continues to brilliantly add to the Sandman Universe with a visually gorgeous issue that is fast-paced and certainly unforgettable.
DetailsRed Agent: Island of Dr. Moreau #2
Red Agent: Island of Dr. Moreau #2 leans heavy into the action spy genre with plenty of great character moments, but could benefit from a more serious approach to its themes.