Hall of Fame Artist Richard Corben, 80, Passes as 2020 Can’t End Soon Enough
The industry reels as news of Corben’s death on Decemeber 2, 2020, begins to circulate.
DetailsThe industry reels as news of Corben’s death on Decemeber 2, 2020, begins to circulate.
DetailsThe speculation finally ends about who the next #Batman could be with the reveal of this surprise variant cover to issue #2 of the four-issue January/February miniseries Future State: The Next Batman. @dougbraithwaite @nickderington @LauraBraga_rt
DetailsIn 1971, Mike Sekowsky introduced Tracey Thompson and Betsy, a duo who break into haunted houses and get in fights with biker gangs. And, after two appearances, they were never heard from again.
DetailsLocke & Key/Sandman Universe: Hell & Gone #0
Locke & Key/Sandman Universe: Hell & Gone #0 (@joe_hill @GR_comics) is an early Christmas gift & a perfect primer for the series, as well as their respective predecessors! You’ll be amazed at how well these worlds mesh. #DCComics #IDW
DetailsValiant comics have launched a series of Motion comics which can be viewed on youtube starting with an 8 minute episode featuring Faith Herbert, aka Zephyr in FAITH EPISODE #0 PART 1 @ValiantComics
DetailsSuperman: Endless Winter Special #1 (@AndyLanning @ronmarz @philhester @MSantucciArt) hits an emotional highpoint for the Man of Steel, bringing some gravitas and weight to the story thus far. #DCComics
Details“Endless Winter” rages on in Flash #767 (@AndyLanning @ronmarz @claytonhenryart Maolo @swands), a fun romp of a comic that doesn’t ask much more of its readers than to buckle up and enjoy the ride. And that’s more than enough! #DCComics
DetailsSiriusXM’s satellite music streaming service launches a new Marvel podcast Marvel’s Declassified, a non-fiction narrative podcast series. exclusively to the streaming service. ,
DetailsStar Wars #9 Operation Starlight, Part I: The Ancient Relic
In Star Wars #9, Leia wastes no time formulating a new operation for her recently reunited rebels. She enlists a team of her top agents to put the plan in motion. (@CharlesSoule @JanBazaldua @RachelleRosenberg @ClaytonCowles) #MarvelComics #StarWars
DetailsCrossover #2
Crossover issue two continues to skillfully build on this insane world even further and left me wanting more! @Doncates @deezoid @GeoffShaw12 @JohnJHill #ImageComics
DetailsS.W.O.R.D. #1
FULL review of S.W.O.R.D. #1 (@Al_Ewing @ValerioSchiti @martiagracia) deliver a tour de force opening issue that exceeds expectations on all fronts and really lives up to the opening words THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Unmissable! #Marvel #XMen #Krakoa
DetailsMauraders #16
Marauders #16 (@GerryDuggan @St3Caselli) has phenomenal art, brutal humor, and incredibly strong character work make this an issue that is impossible to miss. Grab it when you can! #Marvel #XMen #Krakoa