SNEAK PEEK: Preview of DC Comics Crime Syndicate #4
The world has been saved by the…Crime Syndicate?! Here is our preview for #DCComics Crime Syndicate #4!
#AndySchmidt #kieranmckeown @DexterstarInks #steveoliff #robleigh
The world has been saved by the…Crime Syndicate?! Here is our preview for #DCComics Crime Syndicate #4!
#AndySchmidt #kieranmckeown @DexterstarInks #steveoliff #robleigh
SNEAK PEEK: #DCComics’ SUICIDE SQUAD #4! On sale 6/1! The Task Force X/Teen Titans Academy continues, with the mystery of who is Red X in the middle! It’s from @rthompson1138 @edupansica @Joe_Prado #JulioFerreira #MarceloMaiolo & #WesAbbott #DCInfiniteFrontier
DetailsExamining New X-Men Pt. 2: We Remember the Lies Commentary, NewsBy Travis Hedge CokeMarch 22, 2021Leave a comment Examining New X-Men Pt 9: System Dynamics. Systems fuel, frame, and are supposed in Grant Morrison, Phil Jimenez, Frank Quitely, et al’s New X-Men. Generations, Arts, Nuke, Magneto, Max Ernst!
DetailsICYMI the @CWatchersShow recently sat down with artist @RobotJQ to talk about their exciting work on #Marvel’s WAY OF X and so much more! Check out the full interview here!
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In The Amazing Spider-Man #67 ( @NickSpencer @marc_ferreira #CarlosGomez #WaynerFaucher @JoeCaramagna #AndrewCrossley ) while Spidey’s busy working with his lab buddy, the world around him goes seriously crazy. #Marvel #SpiderMan #ASM
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: #DCComics’ BATMAN/CATWOMAN #4, on sale 6/1! Catwoman vs. Phantasm, round one – and Batman cannot know! It’s all from @TomKingTK @Clay_Mann_ @tomeu_morey #DCBlackLabel