SNEAK PEEK: Preview of Marvel’s WEB of Spider-Man #3
The Worldwide Engineering Brigade lives up to its name in this preview of #Marvel’s WEB of Spider-Man #3! (@KevinShinick #AlbertoJimenezAlburquerque) #spiderman
DetailsThe Worldwide Engineering Brigade lives up to its name in this preview of #Marvel’s WEB of Spider-Man #3! (@KevinShinick #AlbertoJimenezAlburquerque) #spiderman
DetailsT’onga starts to recruit a bounty hunter crew with some familiar – and fearsome – faces! @Marvel @ethanjsacks @paolovillanelli #StarWars #WaroftheBountyHunters #Marvel #MarvelComics
DetailsDiscover a Dangerous Conspiracy in issue #8 of the critically acclaimed sci-fi epic series WE ONLY FIND THEM WHEN THEY’RE DEAD this September 2021from@boomstudios @Al_Ewing @SimoneDiMeo_ variants by @MChecC and @toni_infante
DetailsGet to know the Squad before the film as DC Shares Curated List of Suicide Squad Comics and Collections @DCComics @SuicideSquadWB #TheSuicideSquad #HarleyQuinn #PeaceMaker #KingShark #DCComics
DetailsMarvel magic is refined this September DARKHOLD saga kicks off with DARKHOLD ALPHA #1 written by @theSteveOrlando and art by @CianTormey & #Marvel Comics.
DetailsICYMI: This last Saturday @watchthemutants was joined by @lesbianjubilee to discuss the themes and stories of Exiles (2001), as well as its groundbreaking & complicated team of multiverse jumping mutants. #XMenMonday @TravisHedgeCoke @magjesus
DetailsWhat does it mean to rewrite old scenes, to revisit old stories, to change characters and plots, to reuse old titles and dress characters in old clothes? A look at the past 20 years of X-Men & where they may go from here.
DetailsDeadpool: Black, White, and Red #1
If you want to read a trio of hilarious, bloody, intestine-filled Deadpool stories, this is the book for you!
DetailsIn Transformers King Grimlock #1 Grimlock, the beloved powerhouse T-rex with an attitude and one of the strongest Cybertronians in existence finds himself magically transported to a world of fantastical beasts and strange powers! @thesteveorlando #AgustinPadilla