Icon and Rocket find themselves on the run in Icon and Rocket: Season One #4 out on the stand and digital platforms on November 2, 2021, from @reghud @dougbraithwaite & @DCComics
DetailsIcon and Rocket find themselves on the run in Icon and Rocket: Season One #4 out on the stand and digital platforms on November 2, 2021, from @reghud @dougbraithwaite & @DCComics
DetailsIt’s brother vs brother as THE SWAMP THING #9, the second to last chapter in Swamp Thing’s latest story on stand and digital platforms on November 2, 2021, from @therightram @SpicerColor @adityab Mike Perkins & @DCComics.
DetailsNEWS WATCH! A new chapter in the LEGO® NINJAGO® saga begins April 202!2 @tri_vuong @OfficialNinjago @Skybound @LEGO_Group #Ninjago
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! Fear State reaches its penultimate chapter in @DCComics’ BATMAN #116! Plus: the billion-dollar debut of BATGIRLS! On sale 11/2 @JamesTheFourth @michaelwconrad @beckycloonan @JorgeJimenezArt @jecorona @tomeu_morey @Worstwizard @Becca_See #Batman
DetailsStar Trek: Prodigy
The youth in the majority of the cast, will make the series more relatable to the target audience, and all the characters were interesting and empathetic. There was a lot of good action scenes and some well placed levity throughout.
DetailsFrom the ground-breaking mini-series into regular continuity, the Dark Knight, the Man of Steel, and The Authority are here to usher in a brave new world in Batman/Superman: Authority Special #1 from #DCComics @PhillipKJohnson @templesmith #trevorhairsine @jonathanglapion @inkerscott1 @rainberedo @TENapolitano
DetailsEnoy this early look at the high-fantasy epic that will rock the comics world next week! Dark Knights of Steel #1 from #DCComics @tomtaylormade Yasmine Putri and Wes Abbott
DetailsDon’t miss this early look at next week’s hard-boiled noir release, The Human Target #1 from #DCComics @tomkingtk @savagesmallwood
DetailsHawkeye learns how to be as capable as ever even if he’s blind from Stick, the man formerly known as DAREDEVIL in this first look at Marvel’s WASTELANDERS: HAWKEYE #1! from @ethanjsacks @ibraimroberson and @DijjoLima this December 8th cover by Josemaria Casanovas
DetailsA New Hero Claims the Power of K’un-Lun in the All-New IRON FIST Comic Series February 2022 from @crashwong @Michael_YG @Marvel #IronFist #Marvel
DetailsThe saga of the ALL-NEW DARKHAWK continues in DARKHAWK #3 hitting stands and digital platforms on November 3, 2021,, from @KyleDHiggins @JUANAN_RAMIREZ @erickarciniega, & #Marvel
DetailsAmazing Fantasy #4 is the penultimate issue in the saga of the iconic #Marvel heroes in a strange new land across time and space written and art by #KaareAndrews lands on shelves and digital platforms on November 3, 2021 from @Marvel