Phenomx #1
Phenomx #1
“It would have been the perfect opportunity to bring something unique into the fold but Phenomx’s debut falls desperately short of anything memorable”
DetailsPhenomx #1
“It would have been the perfect opportunity to bring something unique into the fold but Phenomx’s debut falls desperately short of anything memorable”
DetailsGI Joe A Real American Hero #287
In GI Joe A Real American Hero #287 ( #LarryHama #BillyPenn ) a small team of Joes, along with some new recruits, head out to see what’s going on on Cobra Island. @IDWPublishing #GIJoeARAH
DetailsDC First Look: I Am Batman #4 @StephenSegovia @DCComics @DCBatman @thedcnation #Batman #DCComics
Christos Gage, Mark Borstel, with Jordi Esculin Llorach and Taylor Esposito examines and expands on the character of Nyx, the half demon introduced in the Sacred Six.
DetailsStar Wars – High Republic #11: Jedi’s End – Chapter I: Only Fear
The plights of the Jedi of Starlight Beacon gets much more dangerous in Issue #11. The Jedi must go up against the one thing they have been trained to believe can bring them ruin, fear. (@CavanScott @KabaLounge @co_carloslopez @burtov @OlaVinks @mark_morales11 @TravisJLanham) @Marvel #StarWars
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #78
In The Amazing Spider-Man #78 ( @79SemiFinalist @sarapichelli @jimtowe @nwoodard #RochelleRosenberg @JoeCaramagna ), Ben mixes it up with a vampire and Felicia and MJ fight over Peter….but he’ll never know it.
DetailsExcalibur #25
Excalibur #25 (@TiniHoward @marcusto @erickarciniega) comes the climatic fight between Excalibur and King Arthur. How will our heroes face against his army?
DetailsHellions #17
Little Baby Bunting, Nanny’s gone a-hunting for the jerks who stole her robot child. What will happen when she finds them? You’ll have to read to find out!
DetailsCanto III: Lionhearted #4
Canto III: Lionhearted #4 is why this series deserves an Eisner Award! @davidbooher @Drew_Zucker @AstoneVittorio @andworlddesign @cantocomic @IDWPublishing
DetailsMighty Morphin #13
It’s the Rangers vs. the awesome new baddies of Sentry Force Four! Mighty Morphin #13 continues the Eltarian War! @thatryanparrott @MarcoRenna89 @WalterBaiamonte @eDukeDW! @BoomStudios #PowerRangers
DetailsStillwater #11
Grotesque meets picturesque as the ageless town settles into a new age in Stillwater #11 from @zdarsky @theramonperez @SpicerColor and @ruswooton .
DetailsSonjaversal #9
Christopher Hastings (@drhastings) and Pasquale Qualano (@PasqualeQualano) continue their tails of the Sonjas of the multiverse, this time focusing on the biker assassin Blue Sonja.