NEWS WATCH: Shop with Groove Life this Holiday Season for Great Marvel Gifts
Groove Life® has partnered with Marvel© for a very special line of officially licensed rings and belts of all sizes! @DontHidePR @GrooveLife_ #Marvel #Comics
DetailsGroove Life® has partnered with Marvel© for a very special line of officially licensed rings and belts of all sizes! @DontHidePR @GrooveLife_ #Marvel #Comics
DetailsNow’s your chance to show your love for Aquaman, Batman, Green Lantern, Justice League, Superman and Wonder Woman, and more! @GrooveLife_ @DontHidePR #Comics #DCComics, #Batman #Superman
If you haven’t watched Hawkeye yet, episode 5 “Ronin” will make you wish you’ve been watching all along with its big reveals that lead up to the final episode!
DetailsRam V and Francesco Manna Deliver the Bloodcurdling Carnage Series You Have Been Waiting For! @therightram@Frances62607920 @Marvel #Carnage #Marvel
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #81
In Amazing Spider-Man #81 ( @saladinahmed @nemafronspain @BryanValenza @JoeCaramagna ), it’s the battle of the IP’s!!! #Spiderman #MarvelComics
DetailsDemon Days: Rising Storm #1
We move closer to the end of Demon Days, but the world will stay a part of us as Mariko’s journey has given us insight and the beauty of Japanese art and the adaption of the Marvel Universe. @peachmomoko60 @ZackDavisson @CommentAiry
DetailsDefenders #4
It’s an issue full of new faces, old faces, new identities, new realities, and more questions than we originally had. This might be the most #Defendersy Defenders comic we’ve seen in decades. By @al_ewing, & @javiercaster & #MarvelComics
DetailsHULK #2 ( @Doncates @RyanOttley @cliff_rathburn @frankmartinbox @corypetit ) is a pure blast of adrenaline from start to finish – but now it’s time to slow down a hair and explore the new normal. @Marvel #Hulk
DetailsEternals #8
It’s just another manic Monday for the #Eternals, and that means another manic challenge to their very existence. How will they react to #Thanos’ ascension to #PrimeEternal? Find out next issue from @keirongillen, @eribic, @colornmatt, & #claytoncowles! #MarvelComics!
DetailsStar Wars – High Republic: #12: Jedi’s End – Chapter 2: The Spirit of Disunity
In issue #12, the Jedi are starting to question each other after a bitter defeat. Even Marshal Avar Kriss is getting desperate. (@CavanScott @KabaLounge @co_carloslopez #KarlStory @CommentAiry @Marvel #Starwars
DetailsExcalibur #26
Excalibur #26 (@TiniHoward @erickarciniega @marcusto @CommentAiry #Marvel) ends here with a threat that Betsy and the team must face head on!
DetailsThe timeless battle of Zombies Vs. Robots returns @chris_ryall @ashleywoodart @ImageComics