NEWS WATCH: Iron Cat is Back as Jed MacKay Continues His Black Cat Saga
June is the launch date for the next chapter of the Black Cat Saga with the limited series Iron Cat from #Marvel @jedmackay and #PerePerez !
DetailsJune is the launch date for the next chapter of the Black Cat Saga with the limited series Iron Cat from #Marvel @jedmackay and #PerePerez !
DetailsGIANT-SIZED SNEAK PEEK: X-MEN #9 & DEVIL’S REIGN: X-MEN #2 on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, March 2, 2022, from @GerryDuggan #CarlosVilla @martegracia @philnoto & #Marvel
DetailsThe Son of the Original Captain Marvel Returns in Peter David’s GENIS-VELL: CAPTAIN MARVEL #1! @JUANAN_RAMIREZ @Marvel #CaptainMarvel #Marvel
DetailsThis June @Marvel and @FortniteGame come together for FORTNITE X MARVEL: ZERO WAR #1 from @Christosgage @DonaldMustard art by @SergioDavila007 cover by @leinilyu #Marvel #Fortnite #comics
DetailsG-Man Comics and Sankofa Comics will publish two remastered editions of the first African-American costumed superhero: Steve Perrin’s Black Phantom. #G-ManComics #SankofaComics #Comics
DetailsThe legendary Cowboys From Hell team with Z2 Comics for an All-Star Tribute To One of the Genre’s Most Celebrated Albums. @philiphanselmo @Pantera @Z2comics #comics #Pantera
DetailsFantastic Four #40
In which an omniscient Mr. Fantastic is not necessarily a morally superior one.
DetailsDark Ages #5
This is one of those stories that is filled to the brim with hope, and horror, action and heart. I can’t get enough of this team’s work.
DetailsAre you ready to be #astonished? @al_ewing & @tomreillyart are here to give you this soon to be classic tale about OG #AntMan for his #60thanniversary in this 4 issue mini this #June!
DetailsThe buildup to the new ongoing Moon Girl series begins in a series of one-shots beginning this summer with MILES MORALES AND MOON GIRL #1 hits stands on June 6, 2022, from @BlckPorcelain #IgGuara & #Marvel
DetailsCaptain Marvel #36
From @79semifinalist & @sergiodavila007 #CaptMarvel & the rest of her posse are here to chew some bumble gum, and kick %^#*, and they’re all out of bubblegum.
DetailsOrphan and the Five Beasts #4
Is Orphan Mo going to become a dish served up by Chopper Teng? You aren’t going to want to miss this issue as Mo squares off against the second of the five beasts! @HeGotGronch @DarkHorseComics