King Conan #4: All I Am is Scar and Bone
King Conan #4
Conan vs. Conan in KING CONAN #4! This creative team delivers another spectacular issue! @jasonaaron @MahmudAsrar @COLORnMATT @Marvel #Conan #MarvelComics
DetailsKing Conan #4
Conan vs. Conan in KING CONAN #4! This creative team delivers another spectacular issue! @jasonaaron @MahmudAsrar @COLORnMATT @Marvel #Conan #MarvelComics
THE SCORCHED #5: Is this the beginning of the end? @SeanChrisLewis @StephenSegovia #UlisesArreola @ImageComics #ImageComics @Todd_McFarlane #Spawn
DetailsANIME WATCH! Trigun, Space Dandy, Sonny Boy, Initial D, RE-MAIN, Link Click, and More. Join the Crunchyroll Catalog Starting May 3! @crunchyroll #trigun #spacedandy #sonnyboy #fairytail
DetailsNEWS WATCH: TALES OF THE HUMAN TARGET special one-shot hits stores in August, filling in the blanks for what lead up to the poisoning of Christopher Chance! @DCComics #DCBlackLabel @TomKingTK @SavageSmallwood #HumanTarget
8 BILLION GENIES #1 (@CharlesSoule @ryanbrowneart @ccrank #KevinKnipstein) takes a familiar idea, puts it on steroids, gives it a case of Red Bull and this is the result…in a good way! A fun, wish-filled opening issue! @ImageComics #ImageComics
DetailsX-Men #11
It’s ladies night in X-MEN #11! #CordycepsJones and the women of the #XMen are here to shake the dice and steal some rice! By @gerryduggan @pepelarraz @martegracia #ClaytonCowles #MarvelComics @Marvel #DestinyOfX
DetailsBatgirls #6
Batgirls #6 (@michaelwconrad @beckycloonan @jecorona @Worstwizard) reminds readers of the hardship-filled histories of the #Batgirls and shows how their pasts shaped them into the heroes they are today. #DCComics @DCComics
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Don’t miss a single tale and the final fate of the SPIDER-VERSE when EDGE OF THE SPIDER-VERSE begins this August from @DanSlott @alex_segura @THEKarlaPacheco #MarvelComics & more! #SpiderMan #SpiderVerse @Marvel
DetailsBlood Syndicate #1
BLOOD SYNDICATE SEASON ONE #1: While this first issue of the revived #BlooSyndicate didn’t light a fire under me, the book certainly has potential that I can’t wait to see realized! @DCComics #DCComics @DakotaUniverse
DetailsThe final film in the Jurassic Park series, #JurassicWorldDominion
DetailsEXCLUSIVE COVER REVEAL: THE LONESOME HUNTERS #3 the penultimate chapter in the monster-hunting coming-of-age thriller from @mrtylercrook lands on shelves on August 24, 2022, from @DARKHORSE COMICS.
DetailsSilverline Comics taps Ron Fortier for a brand new sci-fi adventure with Beyond The Stars. @SilverlineComic, #RonFortier, @MannRoland, @KickstarterRead