Costuming Science Fiction: Flash Gordon
A look at the designs of Danilo Donati for the Sci-Fi film, “Flash Gordon.”
DetailsA look at the designs of Danilo Donati for the Sci-Fi film, “Flash Gordon.”
DetailsA.X.E. Judgment Day #2
It’s the day before the day before the end of the world, and I feel fine. Superstars @kierongillen & @valerioschiti are moving at the speed of light in AXE JUDGMENT DAY #2! Definitely should be on your radar. @Marvel #MarvelComics #XMen #Avengers #Eternals
DetailsHellboy and the B.P.R.D 1957: Falling Sky
A new partner & possibly a new foe to be fought. #Hellboy joins up with Dr. Farrier to do what he does best, fight monsters in the dark in HELLBOY AND THE BPRD 1957: FALLING SKY #1! @artofmignola @chris_roberson @smartinbraugh #LeeLoughridge @ClemRobins
DetailsAvengers #59
There are things to appreciate about AVENGERS #59 (Aaron, Garron, Curiel) – particularly the art – but it is nowhere near as fun as cowboy superhero adventure deserves to be. #Avengers #Marvel @Marvel
DetailsPoison Ivy’s incredible solo title continues to grow in December 2022 as @GWillowWilson expands her dark, lush, character-driven story!! art by @atagunilhan and @marcio_takara, covers by @Leirixart @urbanbarbarian #JessicaFong and more!! #DCComics
DetailsSuperman: Son of Kal-El #14
SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #14 was a fun, fraught, beautifully rendered story peppered with memorable characters and fueled by a high-octane plot. I cannot wait to see what happens next. @TomTaylorMade @ToonFed @CianTormey #DaveSharpe
DetailsPREDATOR #1
PREDATOR #1: Makes a splash and sets the stage for a very awesome new female protagonist! @edbrisson #KevWalker @leinilyu #FrankDArmata #ClaytonCowles @peachmomoko60 @Rahzzah @Marvel #Predator #MarvelComics #Predator
DetailsThe Amazing Spider-Man #7
Living in the shadow of the upcoming Dark Web, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #7 (Wells, Romita Jr., Hanna, Menyz, Caramagna) sees a dip in writing, but the art soars. #SpiderMan #MarvelComics @Marvel
STARHENGE: THE DRAGON AND THE BOAR (@LiamRSharp, McCormack-Sharp) seamlessly combines epic, eyepopping art on every page with a wonderful blend of historical reference, fable and fantasy fiction for another perfect chapter in the series @Imagecomics