Hippolyta ascends to Mt. Olympus in OLYMPUS: REBIRTH #1 on shelves and digital platforms Tuesday, August 23, 2022, from @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad @caitlinyarsky & @DCComics
DetailsHippolyta ascends to Mt. Olympus in OLYMPUS: REBIRTH #1 on shelves and digital platforms Tuesday, August 23, 2022, from @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad @caitlinyarsky & @DCComics
DetailsTom Palmer Sr., the prolific and celebrated inker in the comics industry, passed away at the age of 81 years old.
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! Judgment Day for the @Marvel Universe arrives in A.X.E. JUDGMENT DAY #3, on shelves & digital platforms on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022, from @kierongillen @ValerioSchiti @martegraciacolor @MarkBrooksArt & #MarvelComics! #Avengers #XMen #Eternals
DetailsThe team sets out to rescue the last survivor of a forgotten mutant golden age in MARAUDERS #5, and Wolverine’s Madripoor adventure wraps WOLVERINE: PATCH #5, on shelves and digital platforms, Wednesday, August 24, 2022, from @TheSteve Orlando #LarryHamma & @MarvelComics.
DetailsDead Seas by Cavan Scott and Nick Brokenshire Debuts in December! @IDWPublishing; @cavanscott; @NickBrokenshire
DetailsA web continues to be spun, as @DanSlott @tytempleton @BlumJordan @shelfer007 #DavidHein @LucianoVecchio @MizTeeFranklin @jetzun @Marvel bring Spider-folk (new and old) to the Spider-Verse in the upcoming Edge of Spider-Verse #4, on sale September 21!
DetailsMarvel Comics prepares for Iron Man’s 60th Anniversary with the new series INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #1 launching December 7, 2022, from @gerryduggan @juanmfrigeri & #MarvelComics
DetailsIn a surprise move and much to the delight of fans, @Netflix has released a bonus episode of The Sandman with adaptions of “A Dream Of A Thousand Cats” and “Calliope.” @neilhimself #sandman #neilgaiman #tomsturridg
DetailsAS IF! Catch these totally grody variant covers here to celebrate the totally awesome era the 90’s by some of the greatest who’ve ever done it! From #DC!
DetailsAmputation Capital is where celebrities and influencers sell body parts on a publicly-traded skin market. High market, high value. @TwistedNeil; @RayTylerComics; @TPubComics; @DontHidePR
DetailsIt’s the #Creeper! No, not that guy staring too hard from across the room, but the ghoul with the best stories! From #Skybound with some of the hottest creators today!
DetailsExamining Costuming for Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring