Titans Season 4: There will be Blood
A trip to Metropolis for our heroes goes awry when they begin to uncover a supernatural plot involving Lex Luther. #titans #DC #brotherblood
A trip to Metropolis for our heroes goes awry when they begin to uncover a supernatural plot involving Lex Luther. #titans #DC #brotherblood
DetailsExclusive Sneak Preview: The Marauders get ready to go where no Krakoan has gone before in MARAUDERS #8 (Legacy #35) on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, from @TheSteveOrlando @eloelo & #MarvelComics #XMen
DetailsGuardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind #1
Are humans more than what they seem? What makes them tick?! Find out with Worldmind as she tries to interview Peter Quill to speak for us Terrans-YIKES! GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY – COSMIC REWIND #1 is by @KevinShinick & @SandovalBox #MarvelComics @Marvel
DetailsNEWS WATCH: After a first-day sellout, catch this second printing of @Boomstudios brand-new hit, BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH! by @tatebrombal & @artofnickrobles!
DetailsBatman #129
BATMAN #129 @zdarsky @JorgeJimenezArt @tomeu_morey #ClaytonCowles continues the battle with Failsafe while digging into role of the caped crusader’s various support systems. #Batman @DCComics #DCComics
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Ho ho ho, just in time for the holidays @imagecomics continues to celebrate its 30th anniversary with a new CRIMINAL tale by #EdBrubaker &@SeanPPhillips and the eagerly-awaited return of DEAD EYES by @GerryDuggan & @mccreaman! #ImageComics
DetailsSecret Invasion #1
A rogue Skrull faction looks to destroy Earth in the all-new, all-different SECRET INVASION #1! Will #NickFury allow it to happen? Or has he already been replaced?@ryanqnorth @FraMobArt @Marvel #SecretInvasion
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Where fantasy and science fiction meet! From @scoutcomics! Creators @frankthewriter & @danscalisi show us what happens when Jack & the Bean Stalk meets Ridley Scott’s Aliens in GRIMM SPACE!
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Check out Phil Jimenez’s incredible connecting variant covers for December’s AVENGERS #63 and AVENGERS FOREVER #12, Parts 2 and 3 of Jason Aaron’s AVENGERS ASSEMBLE crossover! @jasonaaron @Philjimeneznyc #Avengers #MarvelComics
LITTLE MONSTERS #7 (@JeffLemire, Nguyen, Wands) smoothly picks up where it left off with a tense issue split between the present and the past as long-kept secrets bubble to the surface brought to life through superb emotive art. @ImageComics
DetailsThat Texas Blood #19
THAT TEXAS BLOOD #19 (@ChristophCondon @jacobr_phillips @PipMartin9 @ImageComics) is a perfect close to a perfect arc, cutting to the core of the book’s themes with a pulse-pounding, breathtaking chase in seemingly endless snow. #ImageComics