The Captioned Life Presents: Darkwing Duck With Amanda Deibert
Writer @AmandaDeibert joins The @CaptionedLife Show to talk about her upcoming work on the latest @DynamiteComics series, #DarkwingDuck, which drops on January 18th!
DetailsWriter @AmandaDeibert joins The @CaptionedLife Show to talk about her upcoming work on the latest @DynamiteComics series, #DarkwingDuck, which drops on January 18th!
DetailsPick up the final issue ALL-OUT AVENGERS this January, and then prepare for more nonstop action and relentless adventure in AVENGERS BEYOND #1 this March from @dereklandy #GregLand & #MarvelComics
Batman and Spawn have the same enemy. Now, they need to agree on who that enemy is. Let’s do the ’90s timewarp again in BATMAN/SPAWN #1! @Todd_McFarlane @GregCapullo @DaveMcCaig @TENapolitano #ImageComics #DCComics #Batman #Spawn
DetailsDark Crisis: Big Bang #1
Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1 (@MarkWaid @thedanjurgens @NormRapmund @Toonfed #TroyPeteri #DCComics) is an excellent epilogue to Barry Allen’s #CrisisonInfiniteEarth storyline while charting a path forward for the multiverse through innovative art.
DetailsDanger Street #1
DANGER STREET #1 (@tomkingtk @jfornes74 @dragonmnky) is an ambitious opening chapter, serving as an excellent start to a 12-issue DC Black Label maxiseries by the creators of last year’s Rorschach! #DCComics #DangerStreet #DCBlackLabel #DoctorFate
DetailsWonder Woman #794
Wonder Woman, Siegfried, and Cheetah face off against a pair of milky gods in the sensational WONDER WOMAN #794 by @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad & @manulupac! #DCComics #WonderWoman
DetailsSuperman: Son of Kal-El #18
SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #18 is another brilliant, thoughtful installment of the Jon Kent story, told with exquisite characterization and phenomenal art. By @TomTaylorMade @CianTormey @ruairicoleman @rfajardojr #Superman #DCComics
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: It’s the countdown to #WonderWoman’s 800th issue milestone in WONDER WOMAN #794, on sale 12/13 from comic superstars @beckycloonan, @michaelwconrad & @manulupac! #DCComics
DetailsHARLEY QUINN: UNCOVERED #1 art book of epic proportions featuring some of the hottest creators in the industry such as @AmandaRantsAlot @rileyrossmo1 & more, on shelves and digital platforms, December 13, 2022, from @DCComics
DetailsExpect the unexpected in DANGER STREET #1 (of 12) in stores and digitally on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, from @TomKingTK @jfornes74 @Inkdropinc & @DCComics #DCBlackLabel Imprint.
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: Grifter and the WildCATs are back and making trouble in the DCU in WILDC.A.T..S. #1, on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, from @ashcanpress @StephenSegovia & @DCComics! #WildStorm #DCComics
DetailsDon’t miss this haunting journey through these newly re-formed realities in DARK CRISIS: BIG BANG #1 on shelves and digital platforms Tuesday, December 13, 2022, from @MarkWaid @thedanjurgens @NormRapmund & @DCComics