Coming Soon: Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny
First trailer for Indianajonesandthedialofdestiny
DetailsFirst trailer for Indianajonesandthedialofdestiny
DetailsGIANT-SIZED PREVIEW X-MEN TITLES – Dec 7, 2022:X-TREME X-MEN #1, IMMORTAL X-MEN #9, X-FORCE #35, NEW MUTANTS #32. X-MEN RED #9, & MARAUDERS #9 – @kierongillen @Benjamin_Percy @claremont_chris @TheSteveOrlando @charliejane @Al_Ewing & #MarvelComics
DetailsThe #SINSOFSINISTER continues March of 2023 as @kierongillen @Al_Ewing & @sispurrier bring reads a glimpse of the future in the second issues of the three-issue series’ IMMORAL X-MEN, STORM & THE BROTHERHOOD OF MUTANTS & NIGHTCRAWLERS & #MarvelComics
DetailsMarvel has just released the official trailer for #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3
DetailsHow will the next generation deal as the Dark Crisis marches across the DCU, find out in DARK CRISIS: WAR ZONE #1 on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, Dec.6, 2022, by @ashcanpress @FrankTieri @spacekicker @Steph_I_Will @DelilahSDawson & @DCComics.
DetailsLearn about the penultimate chapters of AVENGERS ASSEMBLE arriving this March! By Jason Aaron, Javier Garron & Aaron Kuder! @jasonaaron, @javiergarron, & @aaronkuder! @Marvel!
DetailsThe second half of the Golden Age. #CreatureFromTheBlackLagoon #ForbiddenPlanet #WarOfTheWorlds #SciFi
Details6 Titles from @IDWPublishing are heading to TV thanks to wave of new development. The titles include Bacchus (#EddieCampbell), Dragon Puncher & Spoony (@the_kochalka), Lodger (@DavidALapham @maria_lapham) and more!
DetailsWe have the new trailer for #transformersriseofthebeasts #beastwars
When taken on its own, the series is quite enjoyable and seeing some of the original characters is fun especially for those of us of a certain age, in which brings a feeling of nostalgic joy. #willow #lucas
DetailsX-CLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK: THE X-TREME team is back in X-TREME X-MEN #1 on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, December 7, 2022, as legendary X scribe #ChrisClaremont reunites with artistic dynamo @SalvadorLarroca! #XMen #MarvelComics
DetailsCommemorate Charles M. Schulz’s 100 Birthday Anniversary with @topshelfcomix 2023 Release of FUNNY THINGS: A COMIC STRIP BIOGRAPHY OF CHARLES SCHULZ by #LucaDebus & #FrancescoMatteuzzi