Movie of the Week: Scream of the Wolf
Scream of the Wolf
It was a fun movie with some nice twists and turns.
DetailsScream of the Wolf
It was a fun movie with some nice twists and turns.
DetailsWerewolf of Washington
Ever watch a movie so bad, that it is actually entertaining. This is one of those movies. #werewolfofwashington #deanstockwell
DetailsThe world of The Expanse expands in Boom’s THE EXPANSE: DRAGON TOOTH #1, on sale 4/19! Get your first look here! @boomstudios #theexpanse @andydiggle @SalvadorLarroca #Rubine #RaulAngulo @droog811
DetailsGotham (Bludhaven & Hell) all deal with the devils they know in Nightwing #103 (@TomTaylorMade Travis Moore), Catwoman #54 (@TiniHoward @NicoLeon_) and Batgirls #17 (@beckycloonan @michaelwconrad) On shelves and digital platforms on 4/18, from @DCOfficial.
DetailsGet ready! A dark identity is about to be revealed in Boom’s MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #107, on sale 4/18! #MMPR #PowerRangers #MightyMorphinPowerRangers @misty_flores #SimonaDiGianfelice #RaulAngula @eDukeDW