Grifter Fights For His Life in WILDC.A.T.S. #7
Grifter fights for his life in WILDC.A.T.S. #7, on shelves & digital platforms, May 9, 2023, from @AshcanPress @Christian_Duce & @DCOfficial
DetailsGrifter fights for his life in WILDC.A.T.S. #7, on shelves & digital platforms, May 9, 2023, from @AshcanPress @Christian_Duce & @DCOfficial
DetailsThe return to the Sandman Universe continues in The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country – The Glass House #2, on shelves & digital platforms on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, from @JamesTheFourth @LEstherren @PatricioDelpec1 @DCOfficial #DCBlackLabel #Sandman
DetailsSuperstar artist Derrick Chew (@DCWJ01) conjures a stunning Clea variant cover for Doctor Strange #4, from @jedmackay SeanMacDonald @thealexrossart & #MarvelComics
DetailsMeet the dingbats of Danger Street in DANGER STREET #6 (of 12) in stores and digitally on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, from @TomKingTK @jfornes74 @Inkdropinc & @DCOfficial #BlackLabel
DetailsSuperman’s odyssey home continues in Superman: Lost #3 on shelves & digital platform on April 12, 2023 from #ChristopherPriest @CarloPagulayan #JasonPaz & @DCComics
DetailsDon’t miss the unforgettable coming-of-age supervillain tale starring the children of Harley Quinn and The Joker in BATMAN: WHITE KNIGHT PRESENTS: GENERATION JOKER #1 #SeanMurphy #Katana Collins #Clayton McCormack @Mirkand @DCOfficial #Batman
DetailsReturn to the Gotham Academy days in GOTHAM ACADEMY: MAPS OF MYSTERY #1 on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, from @beckycloonan @brendenfletcher @karlkerschl & @DCOfficial
DetailsCheck out the comics that people are reading this week! #Comics #ComicNation #CaptionedLife @CaptionedLife
DetailsMolly McGuire goes from a tollbooth to stardom, but everything in her world is designed to focus on Rupert Everett & Bob Dylan instead, in Hearts of Fire, a Richard Marquand movie about music, misogyny, business & the business end.
DetailsAs we learn more about Miracleman’s forgotten past, we see that he could use all the help he can get? Miracleman: The Silver Age #5 arriving in stores and digital platforms Wednesday, May 10, 2023, from @neilhimself @buckycomics @RedCube_Studio
DetailsThis Wednesday on 4/9/2023, four exciting Bat-Family titles drop from @DCOfficial, @Paul_Dini, #AlanBurnett, @tytempleton, @edbrisson, @johntimmsart, @FrankTieri, @LoganFaerber, #ShollyFisch, & #EricOwens
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #25 (@zebwells @JrRomita), Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #2 (@TheSteveOrlando @justinmasonart) and Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones #3 (@2emilyfuckingkim #KeiZama) offer three unique flavors of Spider-themed comics. On Sale 5/10 from @Marvel.