Manga Spotlight – Sui Ishida’s Choujin X
Gothic and hopeful, Choujin X is a manga series that defies and utilizes superhero genre tropes in order to create a series with dark and emotional themes. #manga #ChoujinX
DetailsGothic and hopeful, Choujin X is a manga series that defies and utilizes superhero genre tropes in order to create a series with dark and emotional themes. #manga #ChoujinX
DetailsMonomyth #1
ICYMI: Monomyth #1 is a cutting-edge comics debut rich with mechanical excellence, balance, and a strong, detailed visual style from @MadCaveStudios, @DavidTHazan, & @Cecilia_LoValvo
DetailsThe Enfield Gang Massacre (@ChristophCondon @jacobr_phillips) is your next wanted miniseries, as it chronicles That Texas Blood’s Ambrose County in the Old West. On sale 8/9 from @ImageComics
DetailsA dream come true, at a price in THE SACRIFICERS! #rickremender @MaxFiumara @JHWilliamsIII @TotinoTedesco @ImageComics @GiantGenerator
DetailsX-Men Titles Sneak Preview for May 24, 2023: Storm #1 (@annienocenti @kotianart) New Mutants: Lethal Legion #3 (@charliejane @EnidBalam) Bishop: War College #4 ( #JHoltham) The X-Cellent #3 (@1PeterMilligan @AllredMD) #XMen #Pride #LGBTQ #Trans #MarvelComics
DetailsA new one-shot from @boomstudios celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with five original stories from @ThatRyanParrott @_amyjojohnson @misty_flores @eloelo @MarcoRenna89 @Danmora_c and more. On sale 8/30.
DetailsRed Goblin #4
RED GOBLIN #4 makes for a fine and well-wrapped epilogue to Normie’s first adventure as a superhero from @AlexPaknadel, @Janbazaldua67, @Davcuriel, @JoeCaramagna & @Marvel! #MarvelComics
DetailsIt’s SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN meets THE GOONIES in upcoming new series THE CULL,launching this fall from @imagecomics! @79SemiFinalist @HassanOE @MattiaIulis
DetailsThe New People
I was stung by how relative many of the themes still are today and disappointed that the U.S. has not progressed further in the 50+ years since this series premiered. #thenewpeople #rodserling #ABC
DetailsComposer Stefan L. Smith (@violanation) talks about the music for BATMAN THE DOOM THAT CAME TO GOTHAM from @WBHomeEnt & @DCComics #BatmanDoom with @TUComicsBlog
DetailsLater this summer, the Marvel Universe 1v1s itself thanks to Agatha Harkness & her Contest of Chaos! The fights spread across 8 annuals including #Spiderman, #MoonKnight, and #Xmen, from @Steph_Smash @AlbertoFoche and more starting this August from @Marvel
DetailsJames Tynion IV, Tate Brombel, & Isaac Goodhart’s THE ODDLY PEDESTRIAN LIFE OF CHRISTOPHER CHAOS #1 sells out in advance publication! @jamesthefourth @TateBrombal @IsaacGoodhart @DarkHorseComics