Tales From The Loop RPG Out Now!
A Scary and Magical Adventure Ahead – Tales From the Loop RPG: They Grow Up So Fast Out Now! @FreeLeaguePub #TTRPG #TalesFromTheLoop #RPG
DetailsA Scary and Magical Adventure Ahead – Tales From the Loop RPG: They Grow Up So Fast Out Now! @FreeLeaguePub #TTRPG #TalesFromTheLoop #RPG
DetailsX-Men #26
As the X-Men and their allies attempt to circle the wagons, #Shadowkat & #Firestar go head to head! Will she stop Kitty before it’s too late? By @gerryduggan & #JavierPina & @jimtowe! #XMen #MarvelComics #FallOfX
DetailsDoctor Strange #7
continues to excel in its exploration into Strange’s character, though the pacing and overuse of exposition make it a rough read, from @Marvel. #DoctorStrange #MarvelComics
DetailsMoon Knight #27
by @jedmackay @Fe_Sabbatini88 @rachellecheri & #TravisLanham uses the energy of a transition to tell a compelling, human story full of rich art and colors while preparing for the explosive climax of the run. #MoonKnight #MarvelComics
DetailsStar Wars #38: Tatooine Treason
Lando seeks aid for his glitching friend Lobot within Jabba’s Palace. @CharlesSoule @madibek_art @rachellcheri #StarWars #MarvelComics
DetailsGhost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Omega #1
Wolverine and Ghost Rider take down the demon they’ve been hunting for years, but is it truly over? Weapons of Vengeance comes to a terrifying and thrilling conclusion! @Benjamin_Percy #GeoffShaw, #RainBeredo #MarvelComics #Wolverine #GhostRider #Xmen
DetailsMagneto #2
.@JMDeMatteis delivers another fun issue that takes us on #Magneto’s journey of his successes and past mistakes as the New Mutants race to find him. Erik Lehnsherr’s future is unwritten. But the Queen of Wrath is the one holding the pen. #Xmen #FallOfX
DetailsPeacemaker Tries Hard! #5
keeps the laughs going and is still as entertaining as ever. While the action may be (slightly) toned down, there is still enough absurdity to make it worth picking up at your LCS! @TheKyleStarks @stevepughcom @DCOfficial #peacemaker
DetailsKill Your Darlings #1
is a well paced, powerful introduction to a new ongoing series from a creative team that seemingly work together like bread on butter, by @TalestoAstonish @GrifSherdian #BobQuinn @JohnJHill, & @ImageComics.