Its Time To Assemble For A New Season Of Marvel’s Original Podcast ‘WOMEN OF MARVEL
The fan-favorite podcast returns with a character-centric format and a new host! #ElliePyle #Preeti Chhibber @Marvel
DetailsThe fan-favorite podcast returns with a character-centric format and a new host! #ElliePyle #Preeti Chhibber @Marvel
DetailsDSTLRY Reveals Open Order Variant Cover for Gone #1 by Peach Momoko @DSTLRY_Media @peachmomoko60 @Jock4twenty
DetailsMarvel celebrates 60 years of #Avengers with a new Voice’s one-shot, featuring stories from @UTKtheINC, @kotianart, Justina Ireland, @MoisesHidalgoo, @Marvel & more.
DetailsExclusive Sneak Preview: Mutantkind’s Boldest Soldiers Prepare For War in Children of the Vault #2 on shelves & digital platforms in Wednesday, September 13, 2023, from @DenizCamp @marescaluca & #MarvelComics
DetailsEver since Batman’s first appearance in Detective Comics #27 released in 1939, Batman has taken the world by storm in comic books, TV shows, movies, and more. #batman @dcofficial
DetailsScarlet Witch #8
Find out if the Scarlet Witch is a good witch or a bad witch, as she goes head to head with Loki the god of mischief! By @thesteveorlando & @lotenzotammetta! #MarvelComics #ScarletWitch #Loki
Captain Kuro is looking for Kaya, this horror-like aspect of episode four really keeps you on the edge of your seat and wanting even more of the villains! Come into the world of the #OnePieceLiveAction one more time with me.
DetailsSteelworks #4
is more of a fun, traditional superhero book as some of the large concepts fade into the background. #DCComics
DetailsFantastic Four #11
is another smart, character focused issue in a run that keeps exceling at both of those things. @ryanqnorth, @IbanCoelloSoria, Jesus Aburtov, @realalexrossart, and @JoeCaramagna deliver another winner. #MarvelComics #FantasticFour
DetailsA Scary and Magical Adventure Ahead – Tales From the Loop RPG: They Grow Up So Fast Out Now! @FreeLeaguePub #TTRPG #TalesFromTheLoop #RPG
DetailsX-Men #26
As the X-Men and their allies attempt to circle the wagons, #Shadowkat & #Firestar go head to head! Will she stop Kitty before it’s too late? By @gerryduggan & #JavierPina & @jimtowe! #XMen #MarvelComics #FallOfX
DetailsDoctor Strange #7
continues to excel in its exploration into Strange’s character, though the pacing and overuse of exposition make it a rough read, from @Marvel. #DoctorStrange #MarvelComics