Catwoman #57: Let the Memory Live Again
Catwoman #57
(Howard, Leon, Gandini, Gattoni) dances with inconsistent characterization and distorted anatomy, as Gotham War takes a poor pivot in quality. #Batman #Catwoman #DCComics #DawnOfDC
DetailsCatwoman #57
(Howard, Leon, Gandini, Gattoni) dances with inconsistent characterization and distorted anatomy, as Gotham War takes a poor pivot in quality. #Batman #Catwoman #DCComics #DawnOfDC
DetailsBatman/Superman: World’s Finest #19
The exciting origin of Batman and Superman’s friendship is concluded and it is a great reminder why the duo really is the World’s Finest! @MarkWaid @TBonvillain @DCOfficial #Batman #Superman
DetailsSomething is Killing the Children #33
is a mixed issue that fans will likely be frustrated by. Where last issue took a pause from the major conflict to allow characters to reflect, there is small progress in the story that makes this arc feel like it is overstaying its welcome. @boomstudios
DetailsUncanny Avengers #2
The Unity Squad’s return is paying big dividends, and all the right people are getting punched in the face. A welcome return to this fun Avengers/X-Men mashup! #XMen #FallOfX #MarvelComics @gerryduggan @JavierGarron
DetailsLoki: #4
is an exquisitely crafted but nonetheless profoundly sad book. Check your hopes at the door. #Loki #MarvelComics @DanPGWatters @GermnPeralta10 @Marvel
DetailsThe Amazing Spider-Man #34
Amazing Spider-Man is at the strongest it has been in quite sometime, @zebwells & @patrick_gleason delivering a thematically rich and intense penultimate issue of Spider-Man’s Last Hunt. #SpiderMan #MarvelComics
DetailsUncanny Spider-Man #1
Bolstered by fantastic art, UNCANNY SPIDER-MAN is inventive in its conceit even as it continues to struggle to crawl out of the author’s past misunderstanding of Nightcrawler in toto. #XMen #FallOfX #MarvelComics
DetailsRare Flavours #1
Is a fantastic exploration of food and culture that really gives this book a unique, and inspiring feel, by @therightram @FilipeAndrade @Andworlddesign, & @BoomStudios.
DetailsThe Scurvy Ridden PIRATE BORG Now Roams the Oceans!
DetailsSuperman #6
A story that feels all too familiar, and paired with an artist that doesn’t hit the mark plagues Williamson’s follow up to his run on #Superman. #DCOfficial #DawnOfDC
DetailsA New Dark Knight Rises in @GregCapullo’s new variant covers for Moon Knight #30 and Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1. On sale from @Marvel. #MoonKnight #MarvelComics
DetailsCaptian America swings his mighty shield in a new volume in Captain America #1, on shelves and digital platforms on September 20, 2023, from @straczynski #JesúsSaiz & #MarvelComics #CaptainAmerica