Cable #2: It’s a Hard Rock Life
Cable #2
Cable #2 (@FabianNicieza) leaves no stone unturned as Cable and Kid Cable continue their mission to stop the Neocracy. Why am I craving key lime pie? #MarvelComics #Xmen #FallofX #Cable #KidCable
DetailsCable #2
Cable #2 (@FabianNicieza) leaves no stone unturned as Cable and Kid Cable continue their mission to stop the Neocracy. Why am I craving key lime pie? #MarvelComics #Xmen #FallofX #Cable #KidCable
DetailsRare Flavours #4
Rare Flavours #4 is a fascinating look into food, culture, and history, through the lense of a protagonist that somehow becomes easy to sympathize with despite his monstrous nature, by @therightram @FilipeAndrade @Andworlddesign, & @BoomStudios.
DetailsGot Wood! #edwood #glenorglenda #belalagosi #johnnydepp #martinlandau #planninefromouterspace #psychotroniccinemavision
DetailsWolverine #44
The Sabretooth War wages on in Wolverine #44 and continues to be the most violent Wolverine story ever told! @victorlavalle @Benjamin_Percy #CorySmith @orenjunior_inks @Sinccolor #XMen #MarvelComics #FallofX #Wolverine #Sabretooth
DetailsCanary #3
delivers an exciting and disturbing conclusion to @Ssnyder1835 and @urbanbarbarian’s horror opus. @DarkHorseComics #DarkHorse @Comixology #Canary
DetailsImmortal Thor #7
(#AlEwing @coccolo_martin #MattWilson and @JoeSabino) reminds us that storytelling at its best is a form of magic. #Thor #Loki #MarvelComics
DetailsResurrection of Magneto #2
.@Al_Ewing & @LucianoVecchio deliver a powerful image to #Magneto, a man lost in God’s judgement and his own. This dynamic team gets Magneto, and provides a difficult path to resurrection. #XMen #FallofX #MarvelComics
DetailsDetective Comics #1082
is a twisted entry that challenges Batman’s mission and how Gotham City would look if he ever completed his mission. It’s moody, atmospheric, and definitely a mind bending issue. #Batman @therightram @DanPGWatters #DCComics