DSTLRY Unveils New Covers for James Tynion IV & Christian Ward’s SPECTREGRAPH #1
DSTLRY Unveils New Covers for James Tynion IV & Christian Ward’s SPECTREGRAPH #1 @readtinyonion @DSTLRY_Media
DetailsDSTLRY Unveils New Covers for James Tynion IV & Christian Ward’s SPECTREGRAPH #1 @readtinyonion @DSTLRY_Media
DetailsMiles Morales: Spider-Man #16
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #16 is action-packed and pureblooded fun, #CodyZiglar’s writing strong enough allow #FredericoVincentini’s art to steal the show without leaving the issue empty.
DetailsGods of the Deep
Who will be Cthulhu Chow? @d_g_nelson @MakennaGuyler @KaneSurry @timortc @RoryWilton @DarkTempleFilms #godsofthedeep
DetailsVengeance of the Moon Knight #2
Grief and violence define a spectacular sophomore issue in VENGEANCE OF THE MOON KNIGHT #2 (@jedmackay @AlesCappuccio @rachellecheri @corypetit @Marvel #MarvelComics #MoonKnight)
DetailsIf You Find This, I’m Already Dead #1
is a tense sci-fi thriller that will leave readers out of breath by the end of the issue. @DarkHorseComics @mattkindt @crabtree_bill
DetailsBatman #143
Good ideas and flashes of stunning art isn’t enough to save Batman #143 (Zdarsky, Camuncoli, Nesi, Sorrentino, Sánchez, Stewart, Cowles @DCOfficial) from its worst impulses. #Batman #Joker #DCComics
DetailsScarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1
Looks like family drama isn’t don with the #ScarletWitch and #Quicksilver as @thesteveorlando and @LorenzoTammetta bring their A-game to a jam packed issue full of great action, and tension for the titular duo. #MarvelComics
DetailsThe Infernals #1
Whoever knew Mafia meets Satanism could make a good story? Ryan Parrot (@ThatRyanParrot) and Noah Gardner (@noahggardner) knew! @ImageComics #TheInfernals
DetailsNight Thrasher #1
is all about re-establishing characters and bringing the vigilante back to Harlem. There’s plenty of exposition to guide readers and action to hook them for what’s coming next. #JHoltham @nelsondaniel & #MarvelComics #NightThrasher
DetailsAmazing Spider-Man #43
looks great and on its own merits kicks the right butts, but feels like it’s rushing to a finale of #GangWar that’s coming far too fast to be properly earned. @zebwells #johnromitajr #scotthanna #marciomenyz #joecaramagna #spiderman
DetailsFall of the House of X #2
is a brutal, brilliant, well-plotted story. The death of hope has never looked half as good. @gerryduggan #lucaswerneck #mattmilla #joecaramagna #XMen #FallofX #MarvelComics
DetailsCult classic comic The God Machine (@thegodmachine), from Chandra Free (@spookychan) makes its return with Volume 2 via webcomics hub @globalcomix on February 15, 2024.