Chad Bowers, Chris Sims & Scott Kowalchuk’s Hard-Hitting Classic DOWN, SET, FIGHT! Returns in Deluxe 10th Anniversary Edition June 25th!
An exclusive preview into the first chapter! @chadbowers #ChrisSims @ScottKowalchuk @OniPress
DetailsAn exclusive preview into the first chapter! @chadbowers #ChrisSims @ScottKowalchuk @OniPress
DetailsSanction #2
keeps the murder mystery going but adds a few unique (and a couple amusing) complications that might only be found in the old Soviet Union. The series unusual setting adds a distinctive to the series. @MadCaveStudios
DetailsAnimal Pound #4
is an all too real look into the modern political structure of the world, highlighting ideologies that will lead to the downfall of system that may not have been perfect to begin with, by @TomKingTK @PeterGrossArt @TBonvillain, & @boomstudios.
DetailsRare Flavours #6
concludes one of the best series of the last year, highlighting the importance of culture and the ways food can help us learn about and relate to one another, by @therightram @FilipeAndrade @Andworlddesign, & @BoomStudios.
Details#gaysubtext #psychotroniccinema #freddysrevenge #fearnoevil #terrortrain #frightnight
DetailsVoid Rivals #10
is an action packed, plot heavy issue that does a great job using its art and nuance to establish a firm lore that feels well earned and befitting of the franchise, by @robertkirkman @LorenzoDeFelici @ruswooton, & @ImageComics @Skybound #EnergonUniverse
DetailsHellverine #2
keeps the Hellfire burning. @Benjamin_Percy further complicates the story by adding deeper emotional stakes. @JuliusOhta and Frank D’Armata’s visuals push the series further into horror territory.
DetailsUltimate Black Panther #5
(@bryanedwardhill @CarlosNietoArt @Davcuriel @corypetit @MarvelComicsHQ) explores the duality of nature and deities with a rich look to Wakanda’s past and present. #BlackPanther
DetailsZatanna Bringing Down the House #1
Mazak alla! It’s the queen of the backwards magic, and she’s bringing down the house with one heck of a rabbit trick! By Mariko Tamaki & Javier Rodriguez #DCBlackLabel! #DCComics #Zatanna