Bear Pirate Viking Queen #2
Bear Pirate Viking Queen #2
The Viking set his sights on England and will stop at no cost to leave the largest wake of death possible. @SeanChrisLewis; @ImageComics.
DetailsBear Pirate Viking Queen #2
The Viking set his sights on England and will stop at no cost to leave the largest wake of death possible. @SeanChrisLewis; @ImageComics.
DetailsUncanny X-Men #700
was a bittersweet goodbye to five years of storytelling, and a bright, beautiful hello to the wonders that are soon to come. #XMen #MarvelComics #Krakoa #FallofX By @kierongillen #AlEwing @gerryduggan @gailsimone #ChrisClaremont & more!
DetailsAvengers do what they do best in AVENGERS ASSEMBLE #1 (of 5) this September in a limited series by @TheSteveOrlando @csmitharts with covers by @leinilyu @betsy_cola #@EmilioLaiso & #MarvelComics #Avengers
DetailsX-MEN: FROM THE ASHES Infinity Comic launches today on @MarvelUnlimited from @AlexPaknadel & #DIOGENESNEVES #MarvelComics #XMen #FromTheAshes
DetailsBeyond the Pale #1
starts on a slow burn building up characters and setting on the way to hints about the horror to come. Emgård and Aira hit big with @DarkHorseComics’ new series.
DetailsBirds of Prey #10
It’s a new chapter for Gotham City’s premiere girl groups, but this isn’t your grandma’s BoP. Comics superstar Kelly Thompson & artist Robbi Rodriguez takes us along on this acid trip of a comic. @79semifinalist #RobbiRodriguez #DCComics #BirdsofPrey
DetailsWhat If…? Aliens #4
continues to lean into that subtle, darkly humorous undercurrent while still delivering an exciting and jeopardy filled penultimate issue.
DetailsVenom #34
(@AlEwingg @juaneferreyra @ClaytonCowles) merges the best qualities of the superhero and horror genres to delight fans of both. Frights and fights galore! #MarvelComics #Venom
DetailsThe Ultimates #1
(@DenizCamp @juanmfrigeri @Toonfed & more @Marvel) is a breath-taking debut issue, carried on the confidence of a crystalized theme and characters, reinforced by compelling art and colors. #Ultimates #MarvelComics
DetailsProfane #1
kicks off a brand new mystery series that is far from what it appears. @1PeterMilligan delivers a twist or two that promises great things for the series. Fernandez and @LGiadaMarchisio create an unexpected look for a classic detective story. @boomstudios
DetailsWhen the undead rise and the eternal night falls #Wolverine will confront them claws first in WOLVERINE: BLOOD HUNT #1 on shelves & digital platforms on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, from @TomWaltz @RypJuan13944 #BloodHunt #XMen