Black Widow Swings into Venom War in New Variant Covers
Black Widow gets her own Venom War tie-in with Venom War: Venomous(@EricaSchultz42 @LucianoVecchio), featuring covers by @Leirixart & @DCWJ01. On sale 8/21 from @MarvelComicsHQ
DetailsBlack Widow gets her own Venom War tie-in with Venom War: Venomous(@EricaSchultz42 @LucianoVecchio), featuring covers by @Leirixart & @DCWJ01. On sale 8/21 from @MarvelComicsHQ
DetailsExclusive Sneak Preview: The rebirth of the Venomverse continues in Venomverse Reborn #2 on shelves & digital platforms Wednesday, July 24, 2024 (@Al_Ewing @PhillipKJohnson #AdamWarren @Chris_Giarrusso & more #MarvelComics #Venom #Spiderman
DetailsJohn Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #7
is nearly flawless on all fronts and proves that Spurrier and Campbell were born to work on this series. @sispurrier #AaronCampbell @DCOfficial #DCBlackLabel #Sandman #DCComics #Hellblazer #JohnConstantine
DetailsScarlet Witch #2
As Quicksilver & Darcy try their best to take on the Griever, Wanda’s on the Dark Road, trying to return to the land of the living. By @thesteveorlando & @jocopo_camagni! #ScarletWitch #MarvelComics
DetailsTitans #13
is a great continuation to this arc, showcasing the multifaceted narrative that has made this run so unique, by @TomTaylorMade @DiNicoulo_ @fxstudiocolor #WesAbbott & @DCOfficial #DCComics #Titans
DetailsNamor #1
is a fresh look at the Atlantean king. @jasonaaron, @PaulDavidsonArt, Alex Lins, and Neera J. Menon takes the character and his longstanding qualities in a new direction in this narratively and visually compelling new series. #Namor #MarvelComics
DetailsUltimate X-Men #5
(@peachmomoko60 @TravisJLanham @ZackDavisson @MarvelComicsHQ) offers more about the nature of mutants in the universe through parallel, stunning pages. #MarvelComics #XMen #UltimateXMen
DetailsDark Knights of Steel: Allwinter #1
is an incredibly strong beginning to what promises to be an absolutely fascinating series. @misterkristoff #Tirso @TomTaylorMade #ArifPrianto #DCComics #DarkKnights