Dark Horse Books Presents: Avatar: The Last Airbender–The Lost Adventures and Team Avatar Tales Omnibus TPB
The Aang gang’s exploits are far from over @mike_dante_d @geneluenyang @gurihiru @faitherinhicks @kikuhughes @darkhorsecomics #Avatar
DetailsThe Aang gang’s exploits are far from over @mike_dante_d @geneluenyang @gurihiru @faitherinhicks @kikuhughes @darkhorsecomics #Avatar
DetailsAt the 2024 New York ComicCon, The Simpsons made its first appearance ever at the pop culture juggernaut! I got the chance to sit down with Creator Matt Groening, producer Tim Long, and actor Hank Azaria to ask them a few questions! #Simpsons #NYCC
DetailsStar Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #1
continues the story leading up to the Battle of Jakku and is the return of a fan-faovorite character sure to shake up Luke’s post_ROTJ journey #AlexSegura, #StefanoRaffaele @sincolor #MarvelComics @StarWars
DetailsAction Comics #1076
Superman is stuck in the past on Krypton, but can he get back home without changing the present? Find out in this week’s issue of Action Comics. (Mark Waid, @Claytonhenryart, @Mattherms) #Superman #DCComics #ClarkKent
DetailsWonder Woman #15
showcases the beginning of the end for The Sovereign, opting to highlight the supporting cast as the series mirrors events from earlier on, by @TomKingTK @Sampere_art @KharyRandolph @tomeu_morey #AlexGuimaraes #ClaytonCowles, & @DCOfficial.
DetailsYou Never Heard Of Me #1
sets up an intriguing supernatural series. But especially compelling is Will’s story, a very a recognizable tale of teenage growth and angst. (Zanfardino, Romboli) @DarkHorseComics
DetailsThe Question: All Along The Watchtower #1
is a solid extension of the #DCAllIn era which began in DC All In #1 which will explore Renee’s new role in the DCU with overtones and themes from the #BobDylan song #AlexSegura @CianTormey #DCComics #DCAllIn
DetailsExceptional X-Men #3
Emma Frost joins up with Kitty and her new wards, but Kitty’s not having it! By @eveewing & @carmencarnero! #XMen #FromtheAshes #MarvelComics
DetailsBatman & Robin: Year One #2
Issue #2 maintains the momentum from last month’s debut while still finding the room to flesh things out and breathe. #YearOne of #Batman and #Robin is looking to be one to remember. #MarkWaid @ChrisSamnee #GiovannaNiro #ClaytonCowels @DCOfficial #DCComics