Iroduku: The World of Colors

We are filled with the colors of the things around us, filled with them that they are so much a part of our lives that we always have one that we love and one that we dislike. There are times when those colors are blinded but those around us, we call this being color blind. So, what happens when someone creates an anime that is revolved around being color blind. What happens when one girl who was robbed of the colors because of the magic that dwells inside of here? What happens when her grandmother with the power that she has sends her back into time? What happens when one boy holds the key to the colors of the world?
We are back with another world, one filled with magic and beautiful colors that we could all touch.
Welcome to the world of Iroduku.
Hitomi Tsukishiro is a young witch that hates using magic, causing those around her to question why, as she becomes older, she starts to lose her sense of color along with those around her. She has become isolated to the students at her school and ignores those that have tried to reach out to her. Hitomi grandmother, Kohaku Tsukishiro, sees what is happening to Hitomi that she devises a plan for Hitomi to see the colors of magic finally. Its then during a fireworks festival that Hitomi is transported back into time, 60 years ago, that she finds herself in the room of a stranger. Kohaku being alive during the time that Hitomi is sent back, we are memorized by the transportation of which Hitomi is being sent back in time. A bus and a strange being that wants her pocky, it does have a very “My Neighbor Totoro,” and “Spirit Away,” feel to it during the bus scene. And the colors that surrounded her was only viewed by us the viewers, however, Hitomi never having the chance to see the beauty of what was around her.
During her time in this other time, where technology hasn’t advance, and the thought of being a witch was still something others where getting used to. And soon we are transported to three friends helping Hitomi continue her journey. Asagi Kazeno, Kurumi Kawai, and Sho Yamabuki see that Hitomi is lost. However, this doesn’t stop others from seeing her sneaking out of one of their classmates, Yuito Aoi, room and soon being posted all over social media. The mystery girl that is Hitomi is such a hit sensation that everyone wants to know more about the girl Yuito Aoi has hidden from everyone. We start to learn more of the world that was 60 years ago, and the people that are there to help Hitomi on her quest to return home. However, first, she must learn more then she had thought, to be taught what it is to be the person that she is truly is inside of herself. The very thing that she has hidden away from those around her as the colors of the world start to reemerge with the help of Yuito Aoi and his drawings.
The opening song is, “17-sai,” by Haruka to Miyuki, the song slowly transforms to the very essence of the anime as the opening revolves around the characters that are introduced in the anime, and showing the black and white world that Hitomi has been viewing, only for it to slowly manifest color into her. The gathering of her friends that will soon help guide her in the door that she has closed to the magic that dwells inside of her as they run towards her. While the ending is, “Mimei no Kimi to Hakumei no Maho,” by Nagi Yanagi seems to have the same effect as the song shows a ray of different photos before showing Hitomi. The still pictures of Hitomi and a small cat shows before us as the beginning had been black and white only for it to switch to flickering colors in the night that Hitomi walks.
Final Thoughts
While the anime is streaming on Amazon and can be found in subbed versions only, there has yet to be a dubbed version of Iroduku. However, the voice actors do a beautiful job in the characters they had been cast in. We show the light of what those that close that closes themselves off for hatred of magic can do to a person. Unable to express themselves in any way and yet, once those that open the door for them, holding on with open arms. Hitomi journey is one to watch as she journeys in time to capture what the colors of her world tell her.
Iroduku: The World of Colors
- Writing - 7/107/10
- Plot - 8/108/10
- Character Development - 7/107/10
- Production - 7/107/10
- Music - 8/108/10