Lifelong comic fan, I grew up all over Michigan, but currently live in the metro Detroit area. I’m an intersectional feminist, who has always championed for equality. Aspiring comic writer, and currently reviewing Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Catwoman, Robin, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Black Cat, Black Widow, Avengers, Eternals, Amazing Spider-Man, Non-Stop Spider-Man, and Shang-Chi for Comic-Watch.
Detective Comics #1066
It’s a dark new day in Gotham, Ram V & Ivan Reis are giving us a stare unto its dark soul. Is #Batman that soul? Or is it the darker residents, like Two-Face & the Joker? Find out in DETECTIVE COMICS #1066! @therightram #IvanReis @sispurrier #DCComics
DetailsDavid and Maria Lapham, Steve Foxe, and Eric Henderson’s Issue Returns with New Variant Cover by Maria Wolf & Mike Spicer! From @skybound @davidlapham @steve_foxe!
DetailsIt’s Harley Quinn vs. Zsasz! Superstar writer Stephanie Williams & artist Matteo Lolli giving us bats…& knives out! @steph_i_will, @matteololli! From @DcComics!
DetailsIt’s the crime that’s not really a crime, & everyone’s a suspect! Join Tim, Det. Williams & Darcy as they try to figure this out! Plus where’s Bernard? By @megfitz89 & @rileyrossmo1! From #DCComics!
DetailsDiscover a Brand New Adventure in the Highly Acclaimed Power Rangers Comic Book Universe in May 2023 from @boomstudios! @mariemelee @karandona!
DetailsNEWS WATCH: After the Dark Crisis must come the Dawn! Be here this January for this new exciting era for #DCComics! It’s a brand new DAWN OF DC!!!
DetailsThe latest creator-owned horror series from I Hate This Place’s Kyle Starks! @thekylestarks #DarkHorseComics!
DetailsFan-favorite creators Tony Fleecs (Stray Dogs, Star Wars Adventures) and Tim Seeley (Revival, Hack/Slash) team up for the upcoming Local Man. @hackintimseeley @tonyfleecs from @imagecomics
DetailsDiscover the First Ever One-Shot Special from the Acclaimed Bestselling Horror Series in December 2022 with covers by #FrancisManapul! #BoomStudios! @francismanapul @boomstudios, @jamesthefourth #delledra
DetailsCaptain America & Winter Special #1
Lanzing and Kelly head into the #ColdWar in CAPTAIN AMERICA AND THE WINTER SOLDIER #1, and the opening salvo with Bucky’s new role. What will Cap do? By @cpkelly, @jacksonlanzing & #KevWalker! From @Marvel! #MarvelComics #CaptainAmerica
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Get a first look at Justina Ireland and Pere Pérez’ STAR WARS: SANA STARROS limited series, beginning in February! By @justinaireland & #PerePerez from @Marvel! #MarvelComics #StarWars
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Murewa Ayodele and Dotun Akande team up on I AM IRON MAN, a new miniseries launching in March to coincide with the Golden #Avenger’s 60th anniversary!! By @murewaol & @dotunadebayo! From #MarvelComics #IronMan