Lifelong comic fan, I grew up all over Michigan, but currently live in the metro Detroit area. I’m an intersectional feminist, who has always championed for equality. Aspiring comic writer, and currently reviewing Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Catwoman, Robin, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Black Cat, Black Widow, Avengers, Eternals, Amazing Spider-Man, Non-Stop Spider-Man, and Shang-Chi for Comic-Watch.
Monsters beware when THE LONESOME HUNTERS a new monster-hunting coming of age thriller from @mrtylercrook & @DarkHorse arrives on June 22, 2022.
DetailsEternals the Heretic #1
Meet the Eternals, the sequel. @kierongillen, #RyanBodenheim brings #Thanos face to face with his grandfather, #Uranos, the original evil eternal. It’s a #clashofthetitans from #Marvel
DetailsIt’s time for more glitz, glam, & high-class breeding, darlings! so RSVP for the #HellfireGala out this June! in X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1 from @gerryduggan @rdauterman @kristaferanka @MatteoLolli & #Marvel !
DetailsWonder Woman #785
Don’t touch that dial! #WonderWoman & her fellow #Amazons lay a #queen to rest, and choices are made as to who will compete in the #TrialoftheAmazons to come! @beckycloonan, @michaelwconrad, @tbonvillain knock it out of the park with WONDER WOMAN #785!
DetailsGo-Go #OmegaRangers! #BoomStudios is back with the Omega Rangers, and they’re ready to mix things up! @thatryanparrott & @marcorenna89 are here to launch us into this new era! From #Boom!
DetailsTrial of the Amazons #1
The threat of war between the #Amazons is running high, and survival is looking bleak! #DCComics unleashes TRIAL OF THE AMAZONS #1! @DCComics @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad @definitelyvita @Joelle_Jones @Steph_I_Will @LauraBraga_rt @SkyePatridge @LaraWest
DetailsCloonRad & Corona strike again! Follow the #Batgirls & their beater gets done kicking ? & taking names in #Gotham! From @beckycloonan, @michaelwconrad & @jecorona #DC!
DetailsJoin #Batman, #Zatanna, #Constantine & the rest of the #Gotham #UrbanCommandos as a murderers row of talent bring you the next wave of #UrbanLegends from #DC!
DetailsShe-Hulk #2
Jack’s back, but he’s not sure how. Don’t worry, pizza’s involved. From #RainbowRowell & @rogeantonio & #Marvel
DetailsStrange #1
As the great Goblin King once sang, What kind of magic spell to use Slime and snails, Or puppy dogs tails, Thunder or lightning, as #Clea ascends to the magical hilltop to set up this new era of #magic in the #MarvelUniverse. Brought to you by @jedmackay & @marc_ferreira & #Marvel
DetailsX-Men #9
We are officially 9 issues into Duggan’s era of the X-Men, and we finally get an issue focused on Rogue, who, despite being a personal favorite of Duggan’s, has been used sparsely thus far. Well, it was supposed to be focused on Rogue, but I wouldn’t exactly say it was. Now, I am by no…
DetailsWar on Earth 3 #1
War for Earth 3 #1: Get under your desks, & get ready for the biggest war Earth 3’s seen since the #Crisis, as we get #AmandaWaller at her biggest & baddest! From @rthompson1138 @HopelessDent @stevepughcom @dextersoy @peeplesart @MattHerms @DCComics