Lifelong comic fan, I grew up all over Michigan, but currently live in the metro Detroit area. I’m an intersectional feminist, who has always championed for equality. Aspiring comic writer, and currently reviewing Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Catwoman, Robin, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Black Cat, Black Widow, Avengers, Eternals, Amazing Spider-Man, Non-Stop Spider-Man, and Shang-Chi for Comic-Watch.
Captain Marvel #34
We have #CaptainMarvel vs Captain Marvel, but who’s going to come out on top? @79semifinalist & @sergiodavila007 are ready to unleash the #titans with everyone who has used the moniker of #Marvel is at stake!
DetailsWonder Woman Historia: the Amazons #1
Prepare to enter a mythological world of beauty and adversity as @kellysue & @philjimeneznyc dive into #Historia. From #DCComics
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: We’re getting closer to #DrStrange’ss final demise, so Doc enlists #SpiderMan & the #BlackCat to help in his battle between him & the Three Mothers! Brought to you by @jedmackay & @marc_ferreira! @Marvel
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: WONDER WOMAN: HISTORY #1 is finally here! Delve deep into the world of #themyscria and the #amazons through the eyes of @kellysue & @philjimeneznyc! @DCComics @thedcnation #wonderwoman
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! It’s @therightram’s penultimate issue from his landmark run in CATWOMAN #37! Joined by #NinaVakueva & @LauraBraga_RT are here to help tear #Alleytown down! From @DCComics, on sale 11/23!
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! Bullets & bracelets are flying everywhere in this last issue of #WonderWoman’s anthology, by some of comics’ biggest stars! @michaelwconrad, @christosgage, @s_marguerite, @liamrsharp, @_pryce14, & many more! From @DCComics, on sale 11/23!
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! It’s totally cosmic out there as the cosmic #IronMan debuts! As @ifyoucantwell, @cafucomic @thealexrossart & @_angelunzueta_ take Tony beyond the outer rim! From @Marvel on sale 11/24!
DetailsIt’s the halfway point into who and what killed this dimensions #SorcererSupreme! Just who are these #threeMothers? And why are they so nasty? From @jedmackay & @leegarbett & #MarvelComics!
DetailsS.W.O.R.D. #6
It’s SWORD & the Shi’ar Imperial Guard against a makeshift Lethal Legion, and Taki’s the mole!!! Last issue’s cliffhanger was something that I didn’t expect, and Ewing doesn’t disappoint with this issue either. With the mutants’ elevated status on the intergalactic level, heads were bound to be turned in Arakko’s direction. With Storm, Frenzy, and…
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! She’s ready for her closeup in SPIDER-WOMAN #17, on sale 11/17! #SpiderWoman & gal pal #LindsayMcCabe want to make this movie a blockbuster! By @thekarlapacheco @pereperez #BrianConnelly #FrankDarmata #TravisLanham @Marvel
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! It’s sister vs. sister in NUBIA & THE AMAZONS #2! Not everyone is excited about Nubia’s rising star! And what’s Doom’s Doorway?! Find out! on 11/16! By @steph_i_will, @definitelyavita @EMannLand @ariotstorm @Becca_See @angryf @DCComics
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! In @Marvel’s SHANG-CHI #6, it’s fists versus hammers as #ShangChi and his family go up against #Thor, god of thunder! On sale 11/17 from the superstar creators @geneluenyang @dikeruan @Treestumped #TravisLanham