NEWS WATCH: Coral Island Reaches Kickstarter Goal in 36 Hours!
Kickstarter game Coral Island smashed donations
DetailsKickstarter game Coral Island smashed donations
DetailsCaptain Marvel #26
Hearts are broken to save the world in the epic finale to “Brave New World!” Check out Captain Marvel #26 by @79finalist @leegarbett @AntonioFabela & @ClaytonCowles ! #Marvel
DetailsAvengers #43
Part Four of “Enter the Phoenix” in Avengers #43 (Aaron, Garron, Curiel, Petit) has some neat moments but ultimately feels like too much filler, not enough killer. #Marvel
DetailsKevin Feige discusses Wandavision, Netflix, Agents of SHIELD, and other Marvel television programs
DetailsJJ Abrams & Ta Nahesi Coates are heading up the Superman reboot
DetailsAvatar & Korra expanding universe with new studio dedicated to their universe.
DetailsCaptain Marvel: Snapshots #1
A deeper look at Ms. & Captain Marvel