Lifelong comic fan, I grew up all over Michigan, but currently live in the metro Detroit area. I’m an intersectional feminist, who has always championed for equality. Aspiring comic writer, and currently reviewing Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Catwoman, Robin, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Black Cat, Black Widow, Avengers, Eternals, Amazing Spider-Man, Non-Stop Spider-Man, and Shang-Chi for Comic-Watch.
Captain Marvel #27
Depression? Fighting flying space cats? Spider-Woman, and speed dating? What could go wrong? Or right? Check out Captain Marvel #27 by @79semifinalist and superstar artist @davidlopez. This is an issue you shouldn’t miss. #Marvel
DetailsCATWOMAN #29
Designer drugs, new meta human assassin, new possible thirst trap for Selina? All this and more in Catwoman #29 by @therightram @fdoblanco
DetailsWonder Woman joins Batman and Superman with her own two color palette mini this summer with WONDER WOMAN: Black & Gold #DCComics #WonderWomanblackandgold #WW80thanniversary
DetailsJada Pinkett Smith & Will Smiths production company Westbrook Studios has optioned the @IDWPublishing series CANTO as an animated feature with co-creators @davidbooher & @Drew_Zucker attached.
DetailsEternals #3
Meet Thena in the heart of Lemuria in Eternals #3 by @keirongillen @eribic & @colornmatt! Who killed Zuras? It’s almost beside the point because this book is so amazing! #Marvel
DetailsBOOM! Studio’s SLAM! is being developed as an animated series for HBO Max by WarnerMedia’s Rooster Teeth! @pamelaribon @itsveronicafish @boomstudios @RoosterTeeth
DetailsKickstarter game Coral Island smashed donations
DetailsCaptain Marvel #26
Hearts are broken to save the world in the epic finale to “Brave New World!” Check out Captain Marvel #26 by @79finalist @leegarbett @AntonioFabela & @ClaytonCowles ! #Marvel
DetailsAvengers #43
Part Four of “Enter the Phoenix” in Avengers #43 (Aaron, Garron, Curiel, Petit) has some neat moments but ultimately feels like too much filler, not enough killer. #Marvel
DetailsKevin Feige discusses Wandavision, Netflix, Agents of SHIELD, and other Marvel television programs
DetailsJJ Abrams & Ta Nahesi Coates are heading up the Superman reboot
DetailsAvatar & Korra expanding universe with new studio dedicated to their universe.