Comic books, BJJ, Boxing, MMA, hiking and hanging out with my wife is all I need...well food, definitely need food as well. Follow me for some not so hot takes.
Across the globe people begin disappearing, replaced with different but similar individuals. So where is Superman and who is this new monstrous Overman?! @JMDeMatteis @JTuckerAnimator @nickfil @DCComics #EthenBeavers #JusticeLeague #Superman
DetailsHead Lopper #16
Spoiler Free Review For Head Lopper #16 find out the secrets of Mulgrid’s Stair! @ImageComics #AndrewMaclean #JordieBellaire #HeadLopper
DetailsA new story arc start sin Once & Future check out what is inside! @BoomStudios @kierongillen @Danmora_c @TBonvillain @eDukeDW #BoomStudios #ComicBooks
DetailsScout Comics is upgrading the @BYTHEHORNScomic to an ongoing series!
@darthsan @jasonmuhr @AndreiTabacaru @ScoutComics #bythehorns
DetailsA New Look at America’s First Woman Detective in BETTER ANGELS @BoomStudios @EWDocJensen @georgeschall #BetterAngels #ComicBooks
Details“FRIENDS AND ENEMIES” Luke Skywalker embarks upon an epic mission with Wedge Antilles and the brave pilots of STARLIGHT SQUADRON to rescue a lost division of the Rebel Fleet in this preview of #Marvel’s #Star Wars #15!
@CharlesSoule @RamonRosanas
DetailsGet a look inside of Power Rangers #10 from @BoomStudios @TheRyanParrott #rachelwagner @moiseshidalgoo #PowerRangers
DetailsSteve Rogers & Sam Wilson are hot on the trail of the shield thief, but their adversary remains one step ahead, and he has friends in low places in this preview of The United States of #CaptainAmerica #2!
@BlckPorcelain @ifyoucantwell @daleeaglesham
DetailsKilladelphia Universe Expands in New Spin-Off Horror Series Nita Hawe’s Nightmare Blog, out this October from @ImageComics @TheRodneyBarnes @jasonshawnalex
DetailsThey may look innocent, but the faeries of Elfhame have it in for Wonder Woman! @DCComics #WonderWoman #DCComics
DetailsAfter three sense-shattering series, Peter David, Greg Land, Jay Leisten and Frank D’Armata – the entire SYMBIOTE SPIDER-MAN crew – RETURN! @Marvel @PeterDavid_PAD #GregLand #SpiderMan #Symbiote #MarvelComics
DetailsRick Remender is set to join André Araújo for a brand new murder mystery series ‘A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance’!
@Remender @ImageComics #AndreAraujo #ARighteousThirstforVengeance