An aspiring, aspiring writer, I never took off my Batman underoos (hopefully figuratively) and I believed Spider-Man was real for years after I figured out Santa wasn't (spoiler). My young, impressionable, literate-self is forever in debt to my 4th grade English teacher Mrs. Gilchrist (and adjacently, The Island of Blue Dolphins), my uncle Tomas for reading me The Hobbit in all those voices, April Morning by Howard Fast, King's 'Salem's Lot, Miller's Batman The Dark Knight Returns and The Belgariad & Mallorean by the Eddingses. Thanks for reading! Please connect with me on Twitter @BKDerbidge and BKDerbidge on Facebook
The blockbuster video game “Batman: Arkham Asylum” was released on August 25th, 2009 (taking loose inspiration from Grant Morrison’s 1989 graphic novel “Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth”). At the time I had my head buried in the newly-budding fall-semester and the game details/release date had totally escaped me (I know, LOUSY excuse).…
DetailsTeen Titans #23
Guess who’s baaack? Yup, it’s the Teen Titans hot on the trail of The Other! Don’t miss this explosive issue!
DetailsTitans #27
Death, loss, and uncertainty push these Titans to their limits, which is exactly the crucible every good hero has to undergo from time to time. Can they function without Nightwing at the helm?
DetailsAvengers #9
Looks like Atlantean threats are popular in comics lately, bad news for the Avengers but great news for readers!
Details“Beyond new story missions, there’s a whole new faction of enemies, new crimes, new challenges, new trophies, and of course, three brand new suits.”
DetailsAvengers #8
The Avengers officially assemble in their new super-cool operations base, and it’s time to go to WORK!
Sony Pictures’ first entry into the MCU doesn’t disappoint (me)! Buy a ticket, get some popcorn, you’re in for a GREAT ride!
DetailsTitans #26
The Blood-Cult tries to murder the Titans, making this run a worthy thrill-ride!
DetailsTeen Titans #22
Damian and his secret accomplice continue to do things their way and I couldn’t be happier!
DetailsAmazon Studios and Sony Pictures will co-produce Robert Jordan’s bestselling fantasy series!
DetailsSuicide Squad #46
Croc on Shark action! Satanis gets a bit of a whuppin’, but not the one he NEEDS. Atlantis is a force to be reckoned with, and the world better recognize!
DetailsTitans #25
More Source-energy threats require action from the Titans! Will the escalation of these emergent-events escalate into global catastrophe?