As a born nerd my love for comics, manga, anime, Buffy, Star Trek, and all things geeky have thankfully lead me here and to you.
Return of the bastard
DetailsGoñi Montes will lend his talents to RADIANT BLACK for a highly collectible 1:50 limited homage variant to spike the adrenaline for readers over the forthcoming superhero series from @ImageComics! #RadiantBlack
DetailsBOOM! Studios revealed a first look at the series launch of ORCS! #1, an all-new original six-issue comic book series by cartoonist Christine Larsen, about a band of misfit Orcs who set off into the great, wide Known World. @BoomStudios
DetailsDiscover Avasarala’s Ultimate Decision That Will Lead to Fatal Consequences in January 2021
DetailsFan’s just can’t get enough Spidey
DetailsThe critically acclaimed @PaoloBaron and #ErnestoCarbonetti return with Jim Lives: the Mystery of the Lead Singer of The Doors and the 27 Club—an all new original graphic novel that plays with the theory that Jim Morrison never died from @ImageComics
DetailsThe tournament begins in ‘X of Swords’ and Shang-Chi enters a new solo series!
DetailsArchie Comics Preview & Review
DetailsExclusive New High End Hardcovers Now Available With Signatures, Exclusive Artwork & More
DetailsGain instant access to 28,000+ digital comics for $55 your first year. Offer ends soon!
DetailsContinue to explore the world of Thedas with upcoming comic series ‘Dragon Age: Dark Fortress’
DetailsFollowing the two issue Future State: The Flash, the redemption of Wally West begins! Beginning March 16 on The Flash #768, writer @spacekicker and artist @BrandonPeterson race with #DCComics Scarlet Speedsters in a new run for The #Flash!