As a born nerd my love for comics, manga, anime, Buffy, Star Trek, and all things geeky have thankfully lead me here and to you.
Waller has powerful allies in very high places—like the orbiting satellite platform Skywatch—and they’ll be the final Authority on her fate! in Waller vs. Wildstorm #4 on sale Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 from @EvNarc @JssMerino @attackerman @jfornes74
DetailsA classic Flash character appears—and is really into EDM, but to what end? in Speed Force #2 on sale Wednesday, Dec 12, 2023 from @JarrettWilliams @DiNicuolo_ @mikedeodato @francesco.mortarino
DetailsSteve Rogers thinks he’s prepared—but the battle is not what it seems. Who—or what—is the Emissary? in Captain America #4 on sale Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023 from @straczynski @lansvision #JesúsSaíz
DetailsWhat fractured Mantis, and what secrets has she been keeping from the team? in Guardians of the Galaxy #9 on sale Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023 from @emiliolaiso @JacksonLanzing @cpkelly #KevWalker
DetailsPurchasing and reading available now, marketplace to come @DSTLRY_Media #thedevil’scut
DetailsDSTLRY unveiled otherworldly new covers for GONE #2 by Jock and SOMNA #2 by Becky Cloonan and Tula Lotay. @DSTLRY_Media
DetailsThe Energon Universe expands in the all-new G.I. JOE Miniseries #AndreaMilani @davaja @LeoniAnnaLisa86 @TheBurnham @SteveEpting @And_Sorrentino jonboy007007 @davidmackkabuki @Skybound @ImageComics
DetailsWriter Melissa Flores spearheads double-sized milestone with blockbuster artists Diogenese Neves, Francis Portela & more – leading directly into 2024’s ROBOFORCE #1 and BIKER MICE FROM MARS #1 @OniPress @nacellecompany
DetailsThe FF discover a mysterious new threat that may have been pulling the strings this entire time…! in Fantastic Four #14 on sale Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023 from @ryanqnorth @FiorelliIvan thealexrossart
DetailsSpidey builds a team to take down ALL the super-criminals of NYC in 48 hours. Good luck, Spidey in The Amazing Spider-Man #39 on sale Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023 from @zebwells @JrRomita @inkerscott1
DetailsThe return of the eisner-nominated high fantasy series from Simon Spurrier and Matias Bergara continues @matiasbergara @olivetti_ariel @bengal_art @boomstudios
DetailsFeaturing new stories from “Hellboy” and “Stranger Things” @artofmmignola @marklaszlo @Dragonmnky @ClemRobins