As a born nerd my love for comics, manga, anime, Buffy, Star Trek, and all things geeky have thankfully lead me here and to you.
Historic crowdfunding campaign will also include graphic novel with Art by Nate Taylor @ShawnSpeakman @magali_villeneuve @donatoarts @MajorSheep @skybound @kickstarter
DetailsThe fifth arc of FIRE POWER kicks off in issue #25, on sale in July! @RobertKirkman @ChrisSamnee @colornmatt @ruswooton @skybound
DetailsDiscover a shocking secret in HARROWER #3 from the writer of ‘Luther Strode’ and ‘Spread’ in April 2023! @Justin_Jordan @elrevel @droog811 @boomstudios
DetailsMore than 500 pages of Kentaro Miura’s epic collected in one deluxe volume #KentaroMiura @DarkHorseComics
DetailsPreview of SPIDEY-FAM Titles For April 12, 2023: MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #5 & CARNAGE #12 arrive on shelves & digital platforms on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from @yayforzig @AlexPaknadel & #MarvelComics #SpiderMan
DetailsSPIDER-MAN #7 returns to shops on May 17 for a second printing! @DanSlott @realmarkbagley @LucianoVecchio @humberto_ramos @Marvel #MarvelComics #SpiderMan #SpiderBoy
DetailsSteve Orlando and Vincenzo Carratù launch a new Iceman solo series ASTONISHING ICEMAN #1 as Bobby sets his sights on heroic deeds like never before this August @thesteveorlando @carratu_art #JESÚSSAIZ #MarvelComics
DetailsGet a sneak peek and check out all the variant covers for AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #25, on sale May 10 @zebwells @JrRomita @JohnCassaday @gregwland @Marvel #Spider-Man
DetailsSteve Rogers attempts to end the Outer Circle’s invasion of Manhattan in Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #11 on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, April 5, 2023, from @JacksonLanzing @cpkelly @CarmenCarnero #MarvelComics
DetailsDeluxe format stories and exclusive merch in POWER RANGERS: a 30th Anniversary comic book celebration #mightymorphinpowerrangers @boomstudios
DetailsAn original, daring, and magnificent mythology of the Marvel Universe #JonathanHickman @ValerioSchiti @martegracia @Marvel
DetailsAlex Ross celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Avengers and X-Men with new connecting variant coves that will run on various titles, starting with August’s UNCANNY AVENGERS #1 @thealexrossart #MarvelComics #Avengers #XMen