Who is The True Warlock in Warlock: Rebirth #4
Will Eve reign supreme as the new Warlock of the cosmos! in Warlock: Rebirth #4 arriving in stores and digital platforms Wednesday, July 12, 2023 from @ronmarz @ronwlim @rfajardojr @dansg
DetailsWill Eve reign supreme as the new Warlock of the cosmos! in Warlock: Rebirth #4 arriving in stores and digital platforms Wednesday, July 12, 2023 from @ronmarz @ronwlim @rfajardojr @dansg
DetailsAgz Who is he? And why has he razed Groot’s homeworld? in Groot #3 arriving in stores and digital platforms Wednesday, July 12, 2023 from @VincentAbnett #DamianCouceiro @leegarbett
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DetailsStreet wise comic fans at Mad Cave Studios @MadCaveStudios
DetailsCollecting three iconic GS stories: “Stop Acting Around,” “The Mummy with No Name,” and “Barry the Moustache.” from Mad Cave Studios @PapercutzGN @MadCaveStudios
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DetailsWeb Around With Spider-Man #10 and Edge of Spider-Verse #4 on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, from @DanSlott @realmarkbagley @alex_segura @chryslus @patrickbrownart @juaneferreyra @delgaduck
DetailsThe assassins are back and more fabulous than ever in this paperback collection @davidbooher @knifesystem @Eru_Rouraito @LetteringBear @chrisablesart @DarkHorseComics
DetailsTitan’s new ROBOTECH comic goes beyond the original anime in every way! @BrandonEaston @SimoneRagazzoni @BryanValenza @inhyuklee @ComicsTitan #Robotech
DetailsCan’t miss magical mayhem on the streets in Summoners War: Awakening #4! @Justin_Jordan @lucaclaretti @igormontiart @Skybound
DetailsA fun, irreverent trip through the classic stories of HP LOVECRAFT! @normkonyu @ComicsTitan
DetailsCaptain America: Symbol of Truth #14 and Thor #35 on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from @TochiTrueStory @zecarlosart @RB_Silva @gronbekk @sergiodavila1582 @NicKlein