Someone Won’t Make it Out Alive in Your First Look at HARROWER #3
Discover a shocking secret in HARROWER #3 from the writer of ‘Luther Strode’ and ‘Spread’ in April 2023! @Justin_Jordan @elrevel @droog811 @boomstudios
DetailsDiscover a shocking secret in HARROWER #3 from the writer of ‘Luther Strode’ and ‘Spread’ in April 2023! @Justin_Jordan @elrevel @droog811 @boomstudios
DetailsMore than 500 pages of Kentaro Miura’s epic collected in one deluxe volume #KentaroMiura @DarkHorseComics
DetailsPreview of SPIDEY-FAM Titles For April 12, 2023: MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #5 & CARNAGE #12 arrive on shelves & digital platforms on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from @yayforzig @AlexPaknadel & #MarvelComics #SpiderMan
DetailsSPIDER-MAN #7 returns to shops on May 17 for a second printing! @DanSlott @realmarkbagley @LucianoVecchio @humberto_ramos @Marvel #MarvelComics #SpiderMan #SpiderBoy
DetailsSteve Orlando and Vincenzo Carratù launch a new Iceman solo series ASTONISHING ICEMAN #1 as Bobby sets his sights on heroic deeds like never before this August @thesteveorlando @carratu_art #JESÚSSAIZ #MarvelComics
DetailsGet a sneak peek and check out all the variant covers for AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #25, on sale May 10 @zebwells @JrRomita @JohnCassaday @gregwland @Marvel #Spider-Man
DetailsSteve Rogers attempts to end the Outer Circle’s invasion of Manhattan in Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #11 on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, April 5, 2023, from @JacksonLanzing @cpkelly @CarmenCarnero #MarvelComics
DetailsDeluxe format stories and exclusive merch in POWER RANGERS: a 30th Anniversary comic book celebration #mightymorphinpowerrangers @boomstudios
DetailsAn original, daring, and magnificent mythology of the Marvel Universe #JonathanHickman @ValerioSchiti @martegracia @Marvel
DetailsAlex Ross celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Avengers and X-Men with new connecting variant coves that will run on various titles, starting with August’s UNCANNY AVENGERS #1 @thealexrossart #MarvelComics #Avengers #XMen
DetailsDon’t miss the exciting conclusions of PLANET HULK: WORLDBREAKER #5( @gregpak @manuelgarciacomic #JasonPaz) & STRANGE ACADEMY: FINALS #5( @skottieyoung @humberto_ramos @delgaduck )on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, March 29, 2023, from #MarvelComics
DetailsEverybody loves a double feature as TALES OF SYZPENSE doubles down! @tplouise @ashleywood3a @chris_ryall @nelsondaniel @ImageComics