Chip Zdarsky, David Brothers, and Marcus To deliver a mind-bending time-travel thriller @DSTLRY_Media @zdarsky @marcusanthonyto #DavidBrothers
DetailsChip Zdarsky, David Brothers, and Marcus To deliver a mind-bending time-travel thriller @DSTLRY_Media @zdarsky @marcusanthonyto #DavidBrothers
DetailsEnter the glamorous world of 1930s wrestling! @DavidAGoodman @gonzaloduartegd @artalexmilla @MauroMantella @DarkHorseComics
DetailsBRZRKR’s original creative team reunites at Boom! Studios @unreal_keanu @mattkindt @rongarneyart @billcrabtreecolor @boomstudios
DetailsDark Horse presents three tasty new treats for Cuphead fans in Q3 & Q4 this year: two new “Art of” books and new graphic novel @StudioMDHR @darkhorse @darkhorsecomics #cuphead
DetailsDiscover the modern noir crime thriller Phillip Kennedy Johnson & SOM in June 2024 @PhillipKJohnson @And_Sorrentino @an_anandrk @boomstudios #CrocodileBlack
DetailsMake time for some revenge in STANDSTILL @spacejunkees @leeloughridge @ImageComics @carynord @ScaleraMatteo
DetailsOne farmer’s quest for a peaceful atmosphere takes readers to new heights @AndrewClemson #JeremyLawson @DarkHorseComics
DetailsRemembering the rapture with Strange Girl @rickremender @ericnguyenart @JeromeAOpena @bergting @ImageComics
DetailsDive into the award-winning series! @notdanielfreedman @CROM_INK @darkhorsecomics
DetailsThe English dub comes to Crunchyroll starting April 27 @Crunchyroll #BlackButler #anime
DetailsThe sci-fi western fantasy of Seven to Eternity in its entirety this September @rickremender @jomeopena @jamesharrenart @matthollingsworthcolor @image
DetailsThe mystery deepens in Rook: Exodus #2 @geoffjohns @JasonFabok @bdanderson13 @robleighcomics #GhostMachine @ImageComics