NEWS WATCH: Gritty Vampire Horror Series BLOOD STAINED TEETH Sires New Story Arc, Invites in New Guest Artist This NOVEMBER
New artist, new story, same blood thirsty book @cjwardart @patric_reynolds @mackchater
DetailsNew artist, new story, same blood thirsty book @cjwardart @patric_reynolds @mackchater
DetailsCelebrate the dead in style @RobertKirkman @CharlieAdlard @DaveMcCaig
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Meet the savage and beautiful KROMA in the all-new series launching November 2022! @LoreDeFelici @Skybound #ImageComics
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Check out Alex Ross’ latest #Marvelcomics masterpiece and look for his TIMELESS VARIANT COVERS in March 2023. @thealexrossart @SalAbbinanti #timeless @Marvel #MarvelComics
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: When a group of children unwittingly unleash an infernal menace on the Earth, can Kent maintain his humanity? in Black Adam: Justice Society Files – Doctor Fate, on sale 10/4! @bryanQmiller @cavanscott @MSantucciArt #BlackAdam #DCComics #DrFate
DetailsThere’s only one issue left, but we’re not slowing down on the way to the finish line! in Multiversity: Teen Justice #5 OUT 10/4, @ivanmcohen @failla_comics @HansStephanie
DetailsAn in-depth look into the world of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla @DarkHorseComics
DetailsJohn Allison’s eisner award-winning comic sensation debuts new hardcover format first on kickstarter…with hundreds of free copies for libraries, too! @badmachinery @max_sarin @lbtreiman
DetailsWill Green Arrow’s mission force him to battle one of his oldest friends? in DC vs. Vampires #9 OUT 9/27, @jamesthefourth @AshcanPress @OttoSchmidt72
DetailsNorah’s in position to wrest control of the Nice House from Walter in The Nice House on the Lake #10 OUT 9/27, @jamesthefourth @AMartinezBueno @alis_samp
DetailsNEWS WATCH: #TheWalkingDead has covers for every fan in this amazing new set of connecting images for THE WALKING DEAD DELUXE! @tulalotayart @RobertKirkman @CharlieAdlard #TWD #ImageComics @ImageComics
DetailsDark Horse expands partnership with Penguin Random House service with a multi-year agreement to distribute Dark Horse single-issue comics worldwide @penguinrandom @DarkHorseComics