As a born nerd my love for comics, manga, anime, Buffy, Star Trek, and all things geeky have thankfully lead me here and to you.
NEWS WATCH: #Valiant is back for another year of the thrills, action, and creativity that we know them for @TylerKirkhamArt @ArifPrianto.arf @JonDavisHunt @ValiantComics #StayValiant #ValiantEntertainment
DetailsAdventure waits in this funny, sexy, and queer fantasy graphic novel @ironcircuscomix @kendrawcandraw
DetailsA turning point is reached in the lives of THE JEDI OF STARLIGHT BEACON in this preview of SWHP #10 out 10/20, @cavanscott @arioanin @philnoto @co_carloslopez
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! #Thor has a top secret mission that only one trusted ally can carry out: Throg in this preview of @Marvel’s THOR #18, on sale 10/20! @Doncates @PasqualFerry @oliviercoipel
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! When a mysterious glaive crash-lands in the middle of Central City, the Flash must race against time to stop its ill effects in this preview of FLASH #775 out 10/19, @spacekicker #FernandoPasarin @BrandonPeterson @DCComics
DetailsSetting new boundaries in their relationship leads to conflict at home and on the mean streets of Gotham for Batman and Catwoman in this preview of BAT/CAT #8 out 10/19, @TomKingTK @LiamRSharp @JimLee
DetailsThe sidekicks got this! @DCComics
DetailsYou got to be here for the big finish @TheKyleStarks @schweizercomics
DetailsDiscover the greatest conspiracy in american history from ‘Iron Man’ writer Christopher Cantwell in November 2021@ifyoucantwell @lucacasalanguid @LGiadaMarchisio @andworlddesign
DetailsAnnouncing January titles from DC @DCComics
DetailsHouse Atreides and the Bene Gesserit Prepare for the Kwisatz Haderach in October 2021 @DuneAuthor @TheKJA @TheWarblazer
DetailsNew LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY variant cover available on November 24 @Al_Ewing @therightram @THEBRYANHITCH