Chad lives in upstate NY and has been a life long comic book reader and collector. As a result of this, Chad has many issues, many of which are bagged, boarded, and sorted.
Carol joins the X-Men to try and stop the Brood in CAPTAIN MARVEL #46 on shelves and digital platforms, Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from @79semifinalist #JavierPina & #MarvelComics
DetailsEXTREME VENOMVERSE #2 on sale May 24, 2023 will introduce L.M.V.—LIFE-MODEL VENOM, Venom from MARVEL: 1602, & Felicia Hardy gets Venomized during the Summer of Symbiotes from @claymcleod @Peposed @al_ewing & #MarvelComics
DetailsA new 6-issue arc of LOVE UNLIMITED #37, a one-shot story in SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED #37 & new 4-issue arc in AVENGERS UNLIMITED #33, launch Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, exclusively on @MarvelUnlimited from @alex_segura @FabianNicieza @Peposed &#MarvelComics
DetailsThe Final installment of #SeanMurphy Saga lands in BATMAN: BEYOND THE WHITE KNIGHT #8 on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, from @DCComics
DetailsIt’s a surprise family reunion in BATGIRLS #15 on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, February 14 , 2023, from @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad @neilgooge & @DCComics
DetailsThe comic book adventures continue in BATMAN: THE AUDIO ADVENTURES #5, in stores and digitally, on February 14, 2022, from #DennisMcNicholas @MarquesDraws #JBone & @DCComics.
DetailsMURDERWORLD: MOON KNIGHT#1, the penultimate chapter has some of the biggest twists yet arriving Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from @JimZub @rayfawkes & #MarvelComics
DetailsContinue to expect the unexpected in DANGER STREET #3 (of 12) in stores and digitally on Tuesday, February 13, 2023, from @TomKingTK @jfornes74 @Inkdropinc & @DCComics #DCBlackLabel
DetailsAlec Holland returns to the land of the living in SWAMP THING: GREEN HELL #2 on shelves & digital platforms on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, from @JeffLemire @TheDougMahnke & @DCComics. #SwampThing #JohnConstantine #DCComics #DCBlacklabel
DetailsGet ready to witness this epic showdown MILES MORALES battles #Carnage in CARNAGE REIGNS ALPHA #1, arriving in May from @AlexPaknadel @yayforzig & #MarvelComics! @Marvel #MilesMorales #SpiderMan
DetailsComic Watch’s Krowdfunder Korner Feb.4, 2023: @wearezoop @Darkhalf5 @dieboldcomics @21Sandshark @JedingfieldII @REALGOBLINKO @GregAndElysee @boomstudios @ComicUno, @PhilFalcoWrites, @thecoffincomics, @TheBrianPulido @HackinTimSeeley #Kickstarter
DetailsDC’s Poison Ivy comic book (currently solicited as 12 issues) becomes an ongoing comic book series in June 2023 from @GWillowWilson @marcio_takara & @DCComics #DCComics #PoisonIvy #LGBTQ